Hyped Headline Turns Paint Into Terror April 6, 2018 Q: Was the first family attacked by a terrorist during the Easter holiday weekend? A: No. That’s a misrepresentation of an act of vandalism at Trump International Golf Club.
No Seizure of Clinton Foundation Cash March 30, 2018 Q: Did British agents seize $400 million from the Clinton Foundation? A: No. That claim was made up by a satirical website.
Politics Roiled by Royal Wedding Rumors? March 30, 2018 Q: Is the White House enraged because Barack Obama, and not President Trump, was invited to the upcoming wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle? A: The guest list has not been made public, and there’s no evidence that Obama was invited and Trump wasn’t.
No Shootings at ‘March for Our Lives’ March 29, 2018 Q: Were 19 people shot at a “March for Our Lives” rally? A: No. A misleading headline, posted on dubious websites, referred to shooting victims elsewhere in Chicago over that weekend.
Pelosi Isn’t Calling for Trump’s Impeachment March 27, 2018 Q: Has Nancy Pelosi introduced articles of impeachment for Donald Trump? A: No. The House Democratic leader has repeatedly opposed calls for impeachment.
No Raid on Obama Home March 23, 2018 Q: Did the FBI raid Barack Obama’s Washington D.C. home? A: No. That claim originated in a story on a self-described satirical website.
Oh, SNAP! Misleading Claims on Benefit Enrollment March 22, 2018 Q: Did “two million people leave the food stamp rolls in Trump’s first year”? A: No. That’s the decline in average monthly enrollment in fiscal year 2017, including almost four months when Trump wasn’t president.
U.S. Schools Already Teach Arabic Numerals March 19, 2018 Q: Has California’s governor ordered public schools to use “ARABIC” numerals? A: No. That claim originated on a website that describes itself as satirical.
Coke and Nestlé Aren’t Buying The Guarani Aquifer March 16, 2018 Q: Are Coca-Cola and Nestlé preparing to privatize a major South American water source? A: No. The vast Guarani Aquifer is managed by the four countries that sit on top of it.
No Russian Arrest Warrant for George Soros March 14, 2018 Q: Has Russian President Vladimir Putin issued a warrant for the arrest of George Soros? A: No. That rumor has been circulating online for years in various forms.