A European Union court decision about vaccines raises interesting two scientific questions: How do scientists decide whether vaccines can cause conditions such as multiple sclerosis. And how certain can they be about their conclusions?
Stories by Vanessa Schipani
Former Science Writer, FactCheck.org
Trump Official Wrong About Warming, Again
Will Paris Have a ‘Tiny’ Effect on Warming?
Gore and Pruitt Debate Paris Targets
Former Vice President Al Gore and Environmental Protection Agency head Scott Pruitt made competing claims about whether the U.S. could have changed its emissions targets under the Paris Agreement, instead of pulling out of the deal. Legal experts side with Gore, who claimed the targets could have been changed.
FactChecking Trump’s Climate Speech
The Facts on E-Cigarettes
Q: Have scientists confirmed that e-cigarettes cause an incurable respiratory disease called “popcorn lung”?
A: No. The vapor of some e-cigarettes contains a chemical associated with popcorn lung, and a case report suggests a possible link. But there’s not enough evidence to conclude the vapors cause the disease.