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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Trump Didn’t Cut Canine Program

Trump Didn’t Cut Canine Program

Q: Did President Donald Trump shut down a service dog training program for veterans?

A: No. Walter Reed National Military Medical Center ended its contract with the program and told us that the president was not a factor.

Hoboken Christmas Hoax

Hoboken Christmas Hoax

Q: Is the newly elected mayor of Hoboken, New Jersey, a Muslim and did he cancel “government involvement” in Christmas?

A: No. Ravinder Bhalla is a Sikh, not a Muslim, and he hasn’t instituted such a ban. He won’t even take office until Jan. 1, 2018.

Bench Warrant Story Is Supreme Fiction

Bench Warrant Story Is Supreme Fiction

Q: Has the U.S. Supreme Court issued a warrant for the arrest of one of Barack Obama’s treasury secretaries?

A: No. The person named in a fictional story doesn’t even exist.

Texas Shooting Unrelated to Antifa

Texas Shooting Unrelated to Antifa

Q: Was the man who killed more than two dozen people in a rural Texas church trying to start a civil war as a member of antifa?

A: No. Law enforcement officials believe the mass shooting was motivated by a family dispute, and they are not investigating it as an act of terrorism.

No Muslim Child Marriage in Montana

No Muslim Child Marriage in Montana

Q: Did a judge in Montana rule that a “Muslim man can marry 9-year-old girl”?

A: No. The couple in the “wedding” photo are actually actors who were part of an advocacy group’s campaign to fight child marriage in Lebanon.

Blackout or Ham Radio Drill?

Blackout or Ham Radio Drill?

Q: Is the Department of Defense planning a drill that will cause a nationwide blackout? Is antifa involved?

A: No and no. The Army is conducting a drill with ham radio operators, and it has nothing to do with antifa.

Grounding the Latest Clinton Rumor

Grounding the Latest Clinton Rumor

Q: Did Hillary Clinton leave “the country as Mueller Indictment is announced”?

A: No. She was in the U.S. all weekend.

Peddling Mueller Misinformation

Peddling Mueller Misinformation

Q: Has Robert Mueller resigned as the special counsel investigating Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election?

A: No. He is still in charge of that investigation and has no plans to leave.

No ISIS Arrests in Congress

No ISIS Arrests in Congress

Q: Were two Democratic congressmen arrested for having ties to the Islamic State?

A: No. The two congressmen named in a fake news story don’t exist.

No ‘Microchips’ for ‘All Americans’

No ‘Microchips’ for ‘All Americans’

Q: Is Congress considering a bill that would allow police to track “all Americans” with microchips?

A: No. A popular story on Facebook distorts the implications of proposed legislation to help locate missing Alzheimer’s patients and autistic children.