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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

A Bogus Kellyanne Conway Quote

A Bogus Kellyanne Conway Quote

Q: Did Kellyanne Conway say liberal women hate her because of her “striking beauty and intellect”?
A: There’s no evidence she did. That claim comes from a website that warns readers to rely on its information “at your own risk.”

False Maxine Waters ‘Meetings’ Statistic

False Maxine Waters ‘Meetings’ Statistic

Q: Has Rep. Maxine Waters attended only “10 percent of congressional meetings for 35 years”? 
A: No. That claim was made in a blog post that cited an inaccurate comment on Reddit.

Trump Didn’t Bill the Obamas

Trump Didn’t Bill the Obamas

Q: Did President Donald Trump send Barack Obama a bill for his “vacation scam”?
A: No. That bogus claim comes from a “satirical publication.”

Schumer Didn’t Resign, Sessions Wasn’t Fired

Schumer Didn’t Resign, Sessions Wasn’t Fired

Q: Did Sen. Chuck Schumer resign? Was Attorney General Jeff Sessions fired? Are the Clintons divorcing? Is Monica Lewinsky dead?

A: No. Each claim was made by the same website that writes “fiction as fact.”

Fake Spicer Quote About ‘Covfefe’

Fake Spicer Quote About ‘Covfefe’

Q: Did White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer say that the president has the “legal right and power to decide how words in the English language are spelled”?

A: No. That bogus quote comes from a “satirical” article about President Donald Trump’s infamous “covfefe” tweet.

Clinton Foundation Not Shutting Down

Clinton Foundation Not Shutting Down

Q: Was the Clinton Foundation ordered to cease operations and Chelsea Clinton charged with fraud?

A: No. Those baseless claims were made up by a self-described “satirical” website.

John McCain Still a Republican

John McCain Still a Republican

Q: Has Sen. John McCain “renounced any affiliation with the Republican Party”?

A: No. That claim was made in a fake news story published by a “satirical publication.”

No Obama Statue in the White House

No Obama Statue in the White House

Q: Did President Barack Obama commission a life-size bronze statue of himself to leave in the White House?

A: No. That fake news story was “intended for entertainment purposes only.”

Fake Dig at ‘Dumb’ Scientists

Fake Dig at ‘Dumb’ Scientists

Q: Did a potential nominee for “chief scientist” at the U.S. Department of Agriculture call scientists “dumb, regular people” who “think dinosaurs actually existed and the Earth is somehow getting warmer”?

A: No. That’s a bogus quote in a fake story by a “News/Satire” website.

Obama Didn’t Scrap Officers’ Memorial Day

Obama Didn’t Scrap Officers’ Memorial Day

Q: Did President Trump reinstate National Peace Officers Memorial Day?

A: No. That claim was made in a fake news story that also falsely said the annual memorial for fallen officers was canceled by former President Obama.