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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Politicians Have Died of COVID-19

Politicians Have Died of COVID-19

A meme circulating on Facebook falsely claims, “Not one politician has died from the virus.” Actually, at least five current or former politicians across the country have died due to COVID-19.

California Bill Doesn’t Make Pedophilia ‘Legal’

California Bill Doesn’t Make Pedophilia ‘Legal’

Contrary to QAnon-fueled claims that a California bill would legalize pedophilia, the bill would actually standardize the rules about who is required to be on the state’s sex offender registry.

Mail-in Voting Envelopes Don’t Reveal Party During General Election

Mail-in Voting Envelopes Don’t Reveal Party During General Election

Facebook posts falsely suggest that envelopes used for mail-in ballots in general elections reveal party affiliation, saying postal workers may “toss” votes. Voting experts say they don’t know of any such labels in general elections — only on envelopes during primary elections.

Posts Distort Facts on Jacob Blake Charges

Posts Distort Facts on Jacob Blake Charges

Posts on social media falsely claim that the man shot by police in Kenosha, Wisconsin, “wouldn’t have been shot if he was still in prison for raping the 14 year old.” There’s no evidence he was ever charged with such a crime — let alone convicted and imprisoned. Jacob Blake was charged in July with sexually assaulting an adult woman, but has not been convicted.

Social Media Posts Use Graphic, Unrelated Photos to Smear BLM Protesters

Social Media Posts Use Graphic, Unrelated Photos to Smear BLM Protesters

Posts circulating on social media this summer falsely claimed that Black Lives Matter activists were responsible for the beating of five elderly white people shown in the posts’ photos. But the pictures have been online for at least five years — and most early uses identify the photos as originating in South Africa.

Meme Recycles Conspiracy Theory on California Wildfires

Meme Recycles Conspiracy Theory on California Wildfires

A baseless conspiracy theory on Facebook suggests that the California wildfires were started by a “powerful laser.” The meme spreading the theory uses the same photos that circulated in 2018 to advance a similar claim.

Misleading Claim Swirls Over Pledge of Allegiance at DNC

Misleading Claim Swirls Over Pledge of Allegiance at DNC

The prime-time programming for the Democratic National Convention every night on TV included a recital of the Pledge of Allegiance, including the phrase “under God.” Two individual Democratic caucuses omitted those words during daytime meetings — prompting claims that misleadingly suggested they were dropped throughout the convention.

Posts Distort Impact of Biden’s Tax Plan on Middle-Income Earners

Posts Distort Impact of Biden’s Tax Plan on Middle-Income Earners

Facebook posts falsely claim that under Joe Biden, the “tax rate on a family making 75000 dollars would go from 12% to 25%.” Biden’s proposal does not call for a tax increase on those making less than $400,000, though analysts say an increased corporate tax rate could effectively result in a small tax increase for middle-income earners. 

False Claims on Corporate Donations to Black Lives Matter

False Claims on Corporate Donations to Black Lives Matter

Posts on social media repeat an error reported by Lou Dobbs on Fox Business in July, claiming that major corporations were donating large sums of money to Black Lives Matter. The companies have pledged support for racial equality initiatives, but haven’t specified Black Lives Matter as a beneficiary.