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Union’s Search for Face Masks Gets Twisted Online

Union’s Search for Face Masks Gets Twisted Online

A meme falsely claims that a health care workers’ union was “caught hiding 39 million N95 masks,” and other posts cast suspicion on the union’s motives. In reality, the union had called medical suppliers nationwide in an effort to find masks — and it never had or hid them.

Flawed Comparison on Coronavirus, H1N1 Emergency Timelines

Flawed Comparison on Coronavirus, H1N1 Emergency Timelines

Facebook posts falsely claim that it “took [President Barack] Obama ‘millions infected and over 1,000 deaths’ to declare the H1N1 flu a health emergency,” but President Donald Trump “declared a health emergency” before the first coronavirus death. In reality, both administrations declared public health emergencies before the first reported deaths.

Meme Misleads on Hospital Visits to Children With COVID-19

Meme Misleads on Hospital Visits to Children With COVID-19

A viral meme suggests that children hospitalized with COVID-19 in the U.S. and U.K. can’t be visited by a parent. Hospital policies have become generally more restrictive, but pediatric patients are still allowed visits by at least one parent.

Coronavirus Hasn’t Contaminated Crab Legs

Coronavirus Hasn’t Contaminated Crab Legs

A viral post disguised as a TV news report falsely claims that crab legs have been contaminated with the novel coronavirus. The pandemic has affected the flow of seafood from foreign markets, but crab is safe to eat.

Martial Law Isn’t ‘Imminent’

Martial Law Isn’t ‘Imminent’

Viral social media posts and videos have falsely claimed that “martial law [is] imminent” in the U.S. Those bogus reports are being pushed in some cases by those who sell emergency and survivalist products.

Viral Post Twists Biden’s Words About VP Nominee

Viral Post Twists Biden’s Words About VP Nominee

A viral social media post wrongly states that former Vice President Joe Biden told donors “he will not be president for very long” if elected. Biden merely said that he would seek an experienced vice presidential running mate who would be prepared to step into the presidency “if something happened.” 

False Claim of Congressional Pay Raises in Stimulus Bill

False Claim of Congressional Pay Raises in Stimulus Bill

Facebook posts falsely claim that House Democrats included $25 million to boost their own salaries in their proposal for the coronavirus-related stimulus package. That funding is not for legislators’ pay increases; it’s also in the bill being advanced by the Republican-controlled Senate.

Posts Distort Facts on Coronavirus Air Transmission, Masks

Posts Distort Facts on Coronavirus Air Transmission, Masks

Facebook posts make the unsubstantiated suggestion that the novel coronavirus is infectious in the air for “8 hrs,” and falsely claim that “everyone is required to wear mask everywhere!” There is also no requirement for healthy people to wear masks; experts say health care workers need them most.

2020 Census Not Tied to Coronavirus Relief Payments

2020 Census Not Tied to Coronavirus Relief Payments

The Trump administration and Congress are still negotiating a coronavirus economic stimulus package that will provide direct payments to some Americans. But this much is clear: eligibility will not depend on whether Americans respond to the 2020 census, as recent social media posts claim.

Article Misquotes Clyburn on Ending Democratic Primary

Article Misquotes Clyburn on Ending Democratic Primary

Rep. James Clyburn has called on the Democratic National Committee to cancel presidential primary debates to avoid damaging attacks on the eventual nominee. Clyburn did not say, as a conservative website falsely claimed, that he wanted to protect Joe Biden “from saying something that he ‘cannot overcome.'”