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Anti-Sanders Ad Misleads on ‘Toxic Waste’ Site

Anti-Sanders Ad Misleads on ‘Toxic Waste’ Site

An ad misleads when it claims that Sen. Bernie Sanders “helped turn neighborhoods like ours into a toxic waste dumping ground.” Sanders did support a bill that could have resulted in nuclear waste being placed near a poor, minority town in Texas, but the state ultimately rejected that location.

Meme Miscounts Sanders’ Nevada Caucuses Win

Meme Miscounts Sanders’ Nevada Caucuses Win

A viral meme falsely claims that Sen. Bernie Sanders received only 3,444 votes in the Nevada caucuses. He actually won 41,075 votes — more than twice as many as any other Democratic candidate.

Accounting for Net Worth of Trump, Clintons and Obamas

Accounting for Net Worth of Trump, Clintons and Obamas

A meme circulating on Facebook claims without evidence that Hillary Clinton has made $95.5 million since she ran for president in 2016, and falsely implies that she and former President Barack Obama enriched themselves by “steal[ing] your money.”

Weinstein Wasn’t a Medal of Freedom Recipient

Weinstein Wasn’t a Medal of Freedom Recipient

A doctored image spread on Facebook erroneously shows former President Barack Obama giving Harvey Weinstein the Presidential Medal of Freedom. The actual photo showed Obama bestowing the honor upon former Vice President Joe Biden.

Viral Meme Misrepresents Sanders’ Stance During Iran Hostage Crisis

Viral Meme Misrepresents Sanders’ Stance During Iran Hostage Crisis

A viral meme falsely claims Sen. Bernie Sanders “supported” Iran during the 1979 hostage crisis and “accused” the hostages of “being CIA spies.” Sanders was affiliated with a political party that criticized U.S. policy on Iran, but there’s no evidence he expressed those beliefs.

Sanders Didn’t Call for 52% Tax on $29,000 Incomes

Sanders Didn’t Call for 52% Tax on $29,000 Incomes

A viral post claims, falsely, that Sen. Bernie Sanders at a recent debate called for a tax rate of 52% on incomes of $29,000 or more to pay for his Medicare for All plan. He didn’t. That figure was floated as a potential marginal tax rate for income above $10 million.

Misinformation Outlasts Virginia Gun Bill

Misinformation Outlasts Virginia Gun Bill

A Virginia bill that would have banned the sale of “assault firearms” has been tabled for a year, but misinformation about it continues to circulate online — including a false claim that the state will confiscate guns.

Story Misrepresents Abrams’ Remarks on Electoral College

Story Misrepresents Abrams’ Remarks on Electoral College

A story circulating online misleadingly claims Stacey Abrams “boasted that Democrats can ‘jerry-rig the system and go around the Constitution’ to win the 2020 election.” Her comments about moving to a national popular vote system were not about the 2020 election or securing a Democratic victory.

Posts Misidentify Site of Used Needle Pile in Homeless Camp

Posts Misidentify Site of Used Needle Pile in Homeless Camp

Posts circulating on social media show a pile of hypodermic needles and falsely identify the site as a homeless encampment in Nancy Pelosi’s district in San Francisco. The photo was actually taken at a homeless camp cleanup in Washington state in 2017.