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New Coronavirus Wasn’t ‘Predicted’ In Simulation

New Coronavirus Wasn’t ‘Predicted’ In Simulation

A conspiracy theory website distorted the facts about an emergency preparedness exercise to suggest that the “GATES FOUNDATION & OTHERS PREDICTED UP TO 65 MILLION DEATHS” from the coronavirus now spreading. The event dealt with a hypothetical scenario involving a fictional virus.

Coronavirus Wasn’t Sent by ‘Spy’ From Canada

Coronavirus Wasn’t Sent by ‘Spy’ From Canada

Social media posts falsely claim that a “Chinese spy team” working in a Canadian government lab sent “pathogens to the Wuhan facility” prior to the coronavirus outbreak in China. Two Canadian agencies have told us those claims are wrong.

Misinformation on Coronavirus Death Toll

Misinformation on Coronavirus Death Toll

Websites and social media posts have circulated the erroneous claim that there are “thousands” or “10,000” dead as a result of the Wuhan coronavirus. As of early Jan. 27, the estimated death toll is 81 — all of them in China.

Comedian Sam Hyde Not ‘Behind’ Spread of Coronavirus

Comedian Sam Hyde Not ‘Behind’ Spread of Coronavirus

A meme falsely claims comedian Sam Hyde is responsible for the spread of the new coronavirus. Researchers are still working to determine the source of this latest coronavirus, though evidence suggests it was first transmitted to humans from an animal.

Pelosi’s Impeachment Pens Aren’t 18-Karat Gold

Pelosi’s Impeachment Pens Aren’t 18-Karat Gold

Claims spreading online say House Speaker Nancy Pelosi used expensive pens, or ones made of gold, to sign the articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump. Actually, the pens, which are made mostly of brass, have a suggested retail value of about $20.

Misleading Posts Target Nine Republicans on Impeachment

Misleading Posts Target Nine Republicans on Impeachment

Posts circulating amid the Senate impeachment trial misleadingly accuse nine Republican senators of having “joined Democrats on impeachment.” The claim originated in October as a list of senators who had not yet co-sponsored an impeachment-related resolution — but six of them did sign on to that measure.

Social Media Posts Spread Bogus Coronavirus Conspiracy Theory

Social Media Posts Spread Bogus Coronavirus Conspiracy Theory

Multiple social media posts are spreading a bogus conspiracy theory about the deadly Wuhan virus. The posts falsely claim that the virus has been patented and a vaccine is already available. That’s not true; the patents the posts refer to pertain to different viruses.

Impeachment-Social Security Hoax Resurfaces in Video

Impeachment-Social Security Hoax Resurfaces in Video

A viral YouTube video rehashed, and added to, a debunked hoax about House Speaker Nancy Pelosi taking money from Social Security to pay for the impeachment investigation into President Donald Trump. The claim originated on a self-described satirical website. 

Posts Distort Democrats’ Positions on Venezuela, China, Iran

Posts Distort Democrats’ Positions on Venezuela, China, Iran

Social media posts make a broad and misleading claim that “Democrats stood with” the leaders of Venezuela, China and Iran rather than supporting oppressed people in those countries. The facts don’t support that generalization.