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Post Blurs Facts on Military Draft, Immigrants

Post Blurs Facts on Military Draft, Immigrants

A meme falsely claims President Donald Trump “makes illegals eligible” for the draft. There is no military draft, and immigrants — including those in the country illegally — are already required to register with the Selective Service.

A Misleading Take on Alabama’s Abortion Law

A Misleading Take on Alabama’s Abortion Law

An Instagram post misleadingly claims a young rape victim can be “thrown in prison” for receiving an abortion in Alabama. Under a new law, which has been temporarily blocked by a federal judge, criminal charges could be brought against doctors who perform abortions, but not women receiving them.

Video of Clinton on Iran Taken Out of Context

Video of Clinton on Iran Taken Out of Context

An out-of-context clip from a 2008 interview with then-presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is circulating on Facebook. It shows her saying the U.S. “will attack Iran” if she becomes president. But she was responding to a question about a hypothetical nuclear attack by Iran on Israel.

Posts Spread Fake Omar Tweet Calling for ‘Violence’

Posts Spread Fake Omar Tweet Calling for ‘Violence’

A fictitious tweet attributed to Rep. Ilhan Omar is circulating on social media. The congresswoman didn’t write that the “time for violence is now” over her disagreement with President Donald Trump’s actions on Iran.

Amid Military Tension, Meme Misdates Soldiers’ Deaths

Amid Military Tension, Meme Misdates Soldiers’ Deaths

A meme circulating on Facebook displays photos of five U.S. soldiers that purportedly were killed “this Tuesday in Afghanistan.” Actually, they died in 2013 and there was a sixth soldier killed in the same incident who isn’t included in the meme.

Fake Tlaib Tweet Resurfaces Amid Iran News

Fake Tlaib Tweet Resurfaces Amid Iran News

An old tweet from an account impersonating Rep. Rashida Tlaib resurfaced on social media — this time with an erroneous claim that the tweet was her response to the recent attack on the U.S. embassy in Baghdad.

Social Media Video Strips Context From Biden Remark

Social Media Video Strips Context From Biden Remark

A viral video clip takes former Vice President Joe Biden’s recent remarks about sexual and domestic violence out of context, leaving a false impression that he made a racist comment about the role of African and Asian nations in U.S. culture.

‘Satire’ Misinforms on Impeachment Witnesses

‘Satire’ Misinforms on Impeachment Witnesses

A bogus claim that Rep. Adam Schiff, chairman of the House intelligence committee, paid impeachment witnesses “over $40 million” to testify is circulating online. That claim actually originated on a self-described satire website.

Concert Photo Used in Bogus Report of Trump Rally

Concert Photo Used in Bogus Report of Trump Rally

A viral story falsely claims that President Donald Trump held a rally with “massive crowds” in Chicago, proving “Dems are turning to Trump.” There was no such rally. The story, which deceptively features a photo from a London concert, originated on a website that calls its work satire.

Social Posts Distort Facts on Trump Charities

Social Posts Distort Facts on Trump Charities

Posts on social media falsely claim that the Trump family is “disallowed from operating ANY charity” in New York because they “stole from a kids cancer charity.” That inaccurately describes the outcome of a court case involving the Donald J. Trump Foundation, and conflates it with allegations about the Eric Trump Foundation.