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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

False Link Between Voting and Hunting in North Dakota

False Link Between Voting and Hunting in North Dakota

Q: Can you lose your hunting license if you vote in North Dakota?

A: No. A partisan Facebook ad is referring to resident hunting licenses in other states being invalid once someone has North Dakota residency. 

Photo Not Related to ‘Caravan’

Photo Not Related to ‘Caravan’

Q: Are the people shown dragging a Mexican police officer in a viral photo members of the “migrant caravan”?

A: No. The photo is from 2014 and shows riots following the disappearance of 43 students in southern Mexico.

Graphic Photos Falsely Linked to ‘Caravan’

Graphic Photos Falsely Linked to ‘Caravan’

Q: Are the viral photos of Mexican police being “brutalized” by Central American immigrants accurate?

A: No. Those images are old and unrelated to the group of immigrants seeking to come to the U.S.

Bogus Biden Quote Circulates Again

Bogus Biden Quote Circulates Again

Q: Did former Vice President Joe Biden say “no ordinary American cares about his constitutional rights”?

A: No. That viral quote is false and has circulated for several years.

No ‘Charges Filed’ Against Beto O’Rourke

No ‘Charges Filed’ Against Beto O’Rourke

Q: Were “charges filed” against U.S. Senate candidate Beto O’Rourke of Texas for accepting an “illegal $10 million campaign donation” from CNN?

A: No. A Libertarian opponent filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission, claiming CNN’s town hall event with O’Rourke was worth $10 million.

No Evidence Ginsburg Vowed to Resign Over Kavanaugh

No Evidence Ginsburg Vowed to Resign Over Kavanaugh

Q: Did Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg say she would “resign” if Judge Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed to the Supreme Court?

A: No. There is no evidence to support that claim made in a viral meme.

Rape Wasn’t Part of Roe Decision

Rape Wasn’t Part of Roe Decision

Q: Was the Supreme Court’s decision in Roe v. Wade made because Jane Roe said she was raped?

A: No. “Jane Roe” falsely claimed she was gang raped, but that accusation was not a factor in the court ruling.

No ‘World Record’ for Abortions

No ‘World Record’ for Abortions

Q: Is it true that “pro-choice activist” Elena Travis has received a “world record” number of abortions?
A: No. This story was made up by a satirical website.