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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Viral Posts Misinform on McCarran-Walter Act

Viral Posts Misinform on McCarran-Walter Act

The 1952 McCarran-Walter Act codified immigration policies. It doesn’t bar “Muslims from holding public office,” as social media posts erroneously claim.

Bloody Border Patrol Photo is Eight Years Old

Bloody Border Patrol Photo is Eight Years Old

No border patrol officers were seriously injured in an encounter with migrants on Nov. 25, but a 2013 photo circulating online falsely claims to show a recently injured officer.

Holiday Hoax About Obamas Resurfaces

Holiday Hoax About Obamas Resurfaces

The Obamas kept with tradition by displaying a Nativity scene in the White House for Christmas — contrary to what a viral falsehood claims.

Bogus Meme Targets Red Cross

Bogus Meme Targets Red Cross

Q: Is the American Red Cross “not helping California wildfire victims” but helping members of the “caravan”?

A: No. The American Red Cross is helping in California, and the global Red Cross network is helping migrants from Central America.

Bad Math Leads to Bogus Voter Fraud Claim

Bad Math Leads to Bogus Voter Fraud Claim

Q: Was “voter fraud” responsible for Democratic wins in Orange County, California?

A: There have been no credible complaints of voter fraud in Orange County following the midterm elections.

False Quote Attributed to Rep.-Elect Ilhan Omar

False Quote Attributed to Rep.-Elect Ilhan Omar

Q: A meme circulating online attributes an inflammatory remark about white men to congresswoman-elect Ilhan Omar. Did she actually say that?
A: No. The meme falsely attributes a fictitious quote to Omar.

FBI Didn’t Reach Conclusion on Kavanaugh Accusations

FBI Didn’t Reach Conclusion on Kavanaugh Accusations

Q: Did the FBI issue a report that “confirms” that “none” of Brett Kavanaugh’s accusers’ stories were true?

A: No. Contrary to false social media claims, the bureau did not reach any conclusion in its background investigation.

Viral Meme Makes Up Trump Jr. ‘Quote’

Viral Meme Makes Up Trump Jr. ‘Quote’

Q: Did Donald Trump Jr. say, “Let California burn” for voting blue?
A: No. That’s a made-up quote from a self-described “parody” site. 

Partisan Site Spins Falsehoods in Georgia Election

Partisan Site Spins Falsehoods in Georgia Election

Q: Have provisional ballots been rejected as “duplicates” in Fulton County, Georgia?

A: No. A provisional ballot labeled “duplicate” means it has been counted, not rejected.

Fake Kurt Cobain Quote about Trump

Fake Kurt Cobain Quote about Trump

Q: Did Kurt Cobain predict a Donald Trump presidency more than 20 years ago?

A: No. There is no evidence he did, and Cobain’s former manager labeled the quote a fake.