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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

False Claims About Kavanaugh’s Mom and Foreclosure

False Claims About Kavanaugh’s Mom and Foreclosure

Q: Is Christine Blasey Ford accusing Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault as retribution for her parents’ foreclosure case in the 1990s?

A: There is no evidence to support that claim, and her parents still live in that house.

Bogus Jennifer Lawrence Quote on 9/11, Trump

Bogus Jennifer Lawrence Quote on 9/11, Trump

Q: Did Jennifer Lawrence link 9/11 with the election of President Trump?

A: No. There is no record of the actress ever saying the quote attributed to her.

Shaq Didn’t Call Trump the ‘Best President’

Shaq Didn’t Call Trump the ‘Best President’

Q: Did Shaquille O’Neal say Donald Trump is the “best president … of all times ever” and “should be given the Medal of Freedom”?

A: No. There is no record of the former basketball superstar making those comments.

The Fake Podesta Email That’s Still Circulating

The Fake Podesta Email That’s Still Circulating

Q: Did WikiLeaks release an email showing that Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign bribed prominent Republicans to oppose Donald Trump during the 2016 election?

A: No. That email was fabricated by a self-described satirical website. It was later amplified by Sean Hannity and published by other websites.

‘Muslim Spy’ Falsehood Circulates Again

‘Muslim Spy’ Falsehood Circulates Again

Q: Did President Trump find a “Muslim spy” in the White House?

A: No. That falsehood about a career State Department employee has circulated since 2017.

Kaepernick Arrest Story is False

Kaepernick Arrest Story is False

Q: Was Colin Kaepernick arrested during an NFL game on Sept. 9?

A: No. That story was originally published on a self-described satirical website.

Girl in Trump Rally Video Not Related to Pelosi

Girl in Trump Rally Video Not Related to Pelosi

Q: Was Nancy Pelosi’s granddaughter seen wiping her nose with the American flag?

A: No. The young woman in a video from one of President Trump’s rallies is not Pelosi’s grandchild.

Partisan Site Revives Old Pence Controversy

Partisan Site Revives Old Pence Controversy

Q: Was “VP Mike Pence Busted Stealing Campaign Funds To Pay His Mortgage”?

A: He used campaign funds for personal expenses during his run for Congress in 1990, but the Federal Election Commission could not agree on whether he violated campaign finance laws.