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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Deadly ‘Pot’ Not Approved by The FDA

Deadly ‘Pot’ Not Approved by The FDA

Q: Did an FDA-approved form of “synthetic marijuana” lead to recent deaths in Illinois?

A: No. The drugs that have killed four people in the last two months are unregulated and illegal.

False Story Ties Clintons to Doctor’s Death

False Story Ties Clintons to Doctor’s Death

Q: Did the late surgeon Dean Lorich expose “Clinton Foundation corruption in Haiti”?

A: No. Lorich co-authored an article criticizing the medical response to the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, not the Clinton Foundation.

No Arrests of ‘Sanctuary City’ Leaders

No Arrests of ‘Sanctuary City’ Leaders

Q: Did President Donald Trump have the leaders of so-called “sanctuary cities” arrested?

A: No. Federal officials have discussed reviewing whether charges can be brought, but there have been no such arrests.

No Evidence Ryan Violated Campaign Finance Laws

No Evidence Ryan Violated Campaign Finance Laws

Q: Did House Speaker Paul Ryan break campaign finance laws in a meeting with donor Sheldon Adelson?

A: He met with Adelson (which is legal), but there’s no evidence he solicited a $30 million donation for a Republican super PAC (which would be illegal).  

John Kerry Not ‘Facing Prison’

John Kerry Not ‘Facing Prison’

Q: Is John Kerry “facing prison after interfering with Iran”?

A: No. Kerry reportedly met with an Iranian official to discuss saving the Iran nuclear agreement, but no charges have been brought and he is not “facing prison.”  

Sessions Not ‘Caught Colluding’ With Obama

Sessions Not ‘Caught Colluding’ With Obama

Q: Was Attorney General Jeff Sessions “caught colluding” with Barack Obama on the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election?

A: No. That’s the headline on a story critical of Sessions for recusing himself from the Russia probe. But there is no evidence of such collusion.

What Michelle Obama Actually Said

What Michelle Obama Actually Said

Q: Did Michelle Obama call women who voted for President Donald Trump “stupid”?

A: No. But the former first lady did say she was concerned about the role women played in electing Trump.

Eastwood Not Leaving Estate to Trump Campaign

Eastwood Not Leaving Estate to Trump Campaign

Q: Did Clint Eastwood announce he’s leaving his estate to President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign?

A: No. That story originated on a self-described satirical website.

No Release of ‘Private’ Trump Tapes

No Release of ‘Private’ Trump Tapes

Q: Have former White House staffers released a “private tape recording” of President Donald Trump?

A: No. That claim comes from a false headline on an old story.