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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Hyped Headline Turns Paint Into Terror

Hyped Headline Turns Paint Into Terror

Q: Was the first family attacked by a terrorist during the Easter holiday weekend?

A: No. That’s a misrepresentation of an act of vandalism at Trump International Golf Club.

Gun Control March Not Planned ‘Months’ Ago

Gun Control March Not Planned ‘Months’ Ago

Q: Was a permit application for the March for Our Lives rally filed “several months” before the event on March 24?

A: No. A Washington, D.C., police officer erroneously used that language in an email exchange. Officials say the permits were requested in late February. 

David Hogg at School During Parkland Shooting

David Hogg at School During Parkland Shooting

Q: Was David Hogg at home during the February school shooting in Florida?

A: No. Hogg recorded videos from inside the school during the shooting and a teacher confirmed that he was there at the time. 

Viral NASA Story Gets Science Wrong

Viral NASA Story Gets Science Wrong

Q: Is NASA “spraying Americans with lithium and other chemicals”?

A: No. The space agency uses such materials, which are also used in fireworks, in the upper atmosphere – way above where planes fly. Experts say it’s “extremely unlikely” even “a minute amount” would reach Earth’s surface.

Emma Stone Didn’t Commend Trump

Emma Stone Didn’t Commend Trump

Q: Did Emma Stone say, “America made a great choice with Donald Trump”?
A: No. There is no record of the actress ever making that comment, or others attributed to her in the same story.

Politics Roiled by Royal Wedding Rumors?

Politics Roiled by Royal Wedding Rumors?

Q: Is the White House enraged because Barack Obama, and not President Trump, was invited to the upcoming wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle?

A: The guest list has not been made public, and there’s no evidence that Obama was invited and Trump wasn’t.

No Shootings at ‘March for Our Lives’

No Shootings at ‘March for Our Lives’

Q: Were 19 people shot at a “March for Our Lives” rally?

A: No. A misleading headline, posted on dubious websites, referred to shooting victims elsewhere in Chicago over that weekend.

No Truth in ISIS-Obama Speed Dial Story

No Truth in ISIS-Obama Speed Dial Story

Q: Did an ISIS leader have former President Obama on speed dial?

A: No. That story was first shared on a website that calls its work satire.