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Checking the Facts in the World of Trump

Checking the Facts in the World of Trump

Rem Rieder — an editor at the Washington Post, Miami Herald, American Journalism Review and USA TODAY — looks back at his year of fact-checking in the age of Donald Trump.

The Facts on Trump’s Post-Election Legal Challenges

The Facts on Trump’s Post-Election Legal Challenges

For this story, we ignore the tweets and press conferences and look at what the president’s lawyers have been saying in court. Two things stick out: a lack of evidence of voter fraud and a long string of legal defeats and setbacks.

Trump’s Falsehood-Filled Speech on the Election

Trump’s Falsehood-Filled Speech on the Election

Before all of the votes in the 2020 election were counted, President Donald Trump wrongly claimed victory, calling for “all voting to stop” and claiming continuing to count legally cast votes would “disenfranchise” the people who voted for him.

Viral Voting Misinformation

Viral Voting Misinformation

Several posts on social media have made false or misleading claims alleging voter suppression and voting fraud across the United States.

A Guide to the Candidates’ Claims

A Guide to the Candidates’ Claims

This is a guide to key stories we did during the 2020 election between Donald Trump and his Democratic challenger, Joe Biden.

FactChecking Trump’s Town Hall

FactChecking Trump’s Town Hall

In an Oct. 15 town hall on NBC News, President Donald Trump made false and misleading claims on the coronavirus, the economy and more.

FactChecking Biden’s Town Hall

FactChecking Biden’s Town Hall

At a televised town hall in Philadelphia, Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden made false and misleading claims on COVID-19, health insurance and the 1994 crime bill.