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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

The Response to the Congressional Baseball Shooting

The Response to the Congressional Baseball Shooting

A viral Facebook post claims that “not one Democrat called for gun control” after a 2017 shooting involving Republicans in Congress. While demands for legislative action were quieter, there were some.

Trump’s Mixed Record on Gun Control

Trump’s Mixed Record on Gun Control

When asked what he was going to do about the “gun problem,” President Donald Trump responded that “we have done much more than most administrations.” Trump has taken some action to strengthen federal gun control, but his administration also has eased gun restrictions.

Politics of Gun Violence

Politics of Gun Violence

In the aftermath of two deadly mass shootings in Texas and Ohio, U.S. political leaders made a series of statements on gun violence that were unsubstantiated, lacked context or were seemingly contradictory. Here we look at some of those statements and present the facts.

Mass Killings Across America

Mass Killings Across America

At least 144 people have died in 31 mass killings in the United States since the beginning of the year. Most of them, 141, died of gunshot wounds. The ages of victims ranged from 1 to 83. We mapped the 31 incidents across the U.S.

FactChecking the Second Democratic Debate

FactChecking the Second Democratic Debate

The first of the back-to-back Democratic debates in July included spin from the candidates on gun violence, Republican tax cuts, climate change, manufacturing jobs and more.

Unpacking Biden’s and Trump’s Big Cancer Promises

Unpacking Biden’s and Trump’s Big Cancer Promises

On the campaign trail, former Vice President Joe Biden and President Donald Trump have both claimed that a cure to cancer would soon become a reality — if they were elected in 2020. Experts, however, don’t share that degree of optimism.

Does Wind ‘Work’ Without Subsidies?

Does Wind ‘Work’ Without Subsidies?

President Donald Trump has repeatedly questioned the economics of wind energy, saying that wind “doesn’t work” without subsidies. Experts have differing assessments of that. By some metrics, wind power is already competitive with fossil fuels without subsidies. But other measures don’t come to the same conclusion.

Citizenship, the Census and Obama

Citizenship, the Census and Obama

Memes circulating online claim that former President Barack Obama removed the citizenship question from the 2010 census. He didn’t. The citizenship question in 2010 was handled the same way it had been since 1970.