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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Biden on the 1994 Crime Bill

Biden on the 1994 Crime Bill

Former Vice President Joe Biden defended his support decades ago for a controversial crime bill, saying, “There’s another part of my long record that’s being grossly misrepresented: the 1994 crime bill.” We’ll go through Biden’s points about what was in the bill and what he supported or opposed.

Trump Twists Facts in Environmental Speech

Trump Twists Facts in Environmental Speech

In a July 8 speech dedicated to the environment, President Donald Trump made a series of misleading or false statements as he played up the U.S.’s environmental achievements, many of which predate his time as commander-in-chief.

Confusion at the Border

Confusion at the Border

In recent days, contradictory claims have been made about border issues, including the living conditions for migrants being housed at U.S. Customs and Border Protection detention facilities.

Trump on ‘Unfair’ U.S.-Japan Security Treaty

Trump on ‘Unfair’ U.S.-Japan Security Treaty

President Donald Trump described a security treaty with Japan as an “unfair agreement” negotiated by “stupid” American officials in which “Japan doesn’t have to help us at all” if the U.S. is attacked. But that ignores the benefits in the treaty for the U.S.

Facts on Warren’s Wealth Tax Plan

Facts on Warren’s Wealth Tax Plan

Sen. Elizabeth Warren likes to say, “I’ve got a plan for that.” She has lots of plans, but there is one on which many of the others hinge: her plan for an “Ultra-Millionaire Tax,” an annual wealth tax on all assets over $50 million. We’ll answer several questions about how it would work and what it might raise.

Trump’s Campaign Kickoff Claims

Trump’s Campaign Kickoff Claims

In launching his reelection campaign, President Donald Trump said, “Nobody’s done what we have done in two and a half years.” However, we found his speech was filled with familiar false, misleading and exaggerated statements about his record on jobs, military spending, veterans, energy and more.