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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Falsehood Swirls About Biden, SEALs

Falsehood Swirls About Biden, SEALs

Viral posts on Facebook claim, falsely, that former Vice President Joe Biden “leaked the names of SEAL Team 6 family’s to Al Qaeda.” Biden publicly credited the SEALs with killing Osama Bin Laden, but did not disclose the team or team members responsible.

Trump’s Dubious Claims About China

Trump’s Dubious Claims About China

In remarks to the press in Iowa and before departing for Iowa, President Donald Trump talked about ongoing trade negotiations with China, and the possibility of enacting further tariffs. But Trump distorted the facts on several points.

Trump Bungles Climate Change in UK

Trump Bungles Climate Change in UK

During a trip to the United Kingdom, President Donald Trump once again expressed skepticism about climate change, making several false or misleading statements in a television interview on “Good Morning Britain” with host Piers Morgan.

Decades-Old Video Doesn’t Show Congresswoman

Decades-Old Video Doesn’t Show Congresswoman

Ted Nugent posted a 1989 video of a now-deceased woman who called for “making America Muslim.” He wrongly described her as “the new congresswoman from Michigan.”

FactChecking Trump’s Response to Mueller

FactChecking Trump’s Response to Mueller

In an impromptu press conference and on Twitter, President Donald Trump responded to special counsel Robert Mueller’s remarks about the Russia investigation with several false and questionable claims.

What Mueller, Barr Say About Obstruction of Justice

What Mueller, Barr Say About Obstruction of Justice

Special counsel Robert Mueller devoted much of his 10-minute remarks on May 29 to explaining why the special counsel’s office did not reach a determination about whether President Donald Trump committed obstruction of justice. Democrats have criticized Attorney General William P. Barr for mischaracterizing the findings on that point in Mueller’s report.

Manipulated Video Targeting Pelosi Goes Viral

Manipulated Video Targeting Pelosi Goes Viral

A doctored video of an interview with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi portrays her speech as being slowed and slurred, and has been used to advance a false claim that she was “drunk.”

Biden Stretches Industry Support for Fuel Standards

Biden Stretches Industry Support for Fuel Standards

Joe Biden distorted the facts when he asserted that the auto industry thought the Obama administration’s fuel standards were “a good idea” and that automakers “didn’t even agree” with President Donald Trump’s proposal to roll them back.

Trump’s Energy Errors

Trump’s Energy Errors

President Donald Trump clearly supports the oil and gas industry, but he made several false and misleading boasts about his impact on the energy sector.