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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

FactChecking Trump’s Immigration Address

FactChecking Trump’s Immigration Address

In a national address, President Donald Trump called on Congress to provide $5.7 billion for a border wall to address what he called a “crisis” on the border. The president made some false and misleading claims, and provided some facts without context.

Trump’s Border Blunders

Trump’s Border Blunders

On the day he met with congressional leaders to discuss the budget stalemate, President Donald Trump repeated several false and misleading claims about the Southwest border and the wall he wants to build.

Is Mexico Paying for the Wall Through USMCA?

Is Mexico Paying for the Wall Through USMCA?

President Donald Trump declared via Twitter that he is keeping perhaps his most famous campaign promise, claiming that “MEXICO IS PAYING FOR THE WALL!” through a recent trade agreement negotiated with Mexico. But economic and trade experts we interviewed said that’s not possible.

Our 15th Anniversary

Our 15th Anniversary

FactCheck.org’s co-founder takes a look back at our beginnings and how the fact-checking landscape has changed.

Ocasio-Cortez’s Misguided Tweet

Ocasio-Cortez’s Misguided Tweet

Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tweeted that $21 trillion worth of “Pentagon accounting errors” could finance two-thirds of Medicare for All. It can’t.

America Not ‘Cleanest We’ve Ever Been’

America Not ‘Cleanest We’ve Ever Been’

In response to a question about climate change, President Donald Trump falsely claimed that the United States was “the cleanest we’ve ever been.” Data from a variety of sources show that while the country has made strides in the last decade, its carbon dioxide, or CO2, emissions are far from their lowest point.
The president’s comments came on Nov. 26 after he was asked by a journalist about the latest National Climate Assessment.