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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Facts on Trump’s Immigration Order

Facts on Trump’s Immigration Order

We answer some questions about President Trump’s immigration order and its impact — updated with the latest legal developments.

Christian Refugees ‘Unfairly’ Kept Out?

Christian Refugees ‘Unfairly’ Kept Out?

President Donald Trump said Christians have “been horribly treated” by the refugee program and that it has been “almost impossible” for Syrian Christians to resettle in the U.S. But he provides no evidence that they’ve been discriminated against.

More Trump Deception on Voter Fraud

More Trump Deception on Voter Fraud

In an ABC News interview that aired Jan. 25, President Donald Trump doubled down on false and misleading claims about voter fraud.

The Facts on Crowd Size

The Facts on Crowd Size

White House counselor Kellyanne Conway claimed that “alternative facts” were employed by Press Secretary Sean Spicer when he tried to make the case that “this was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration, period, both in person and around the globe.”

President Trump’s Inaugural Address

President Trump’s Inaugural Address

In his inaugural address, President Trump portrayed the United States as a nation in decline. But his rhetoric did not always match reality.

What President Trump Inherits

What President Trump Inherits

These are some of the numbers by which the future successes or failures of the new presidency will be measured.

Obama’s Whoppers

Obama’s Whoppers

A look back at fact-checking the 44th president of the United States

FactChecking Science in 2016

FactChecking Science in 2016

We look back at some of the more questionable science-related claims from 2016 on topics such as climate change, Zika, GMOs, marijuana and the human mind.

Our Annual Fundraising Appeal

Our Annual Fundraising Appeal

There would be no FactCheck.org without individual donations from people like you. We need your help to continue operating beyond our 2018 fiscal year.