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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

The Whoppers of 2016

The Whoppers of 2016

Donald Trump again dominates our annual review of political falsehoods.

The Facts on Trump’s EPA Nominee

The Facts on Trump’s EPA Nominee

Scott Pruitt, President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee to head the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, has made some questionable claims related to global warming, fracking and the Clean Power Plan.

More False Claims About Fracking

More False Claims About Fracking

The head of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee falsely claimed that a new report “confirms” that “hydraulic fracturing has not impacted drinking water” in Wyoming. The report said it could not reach “firm conclusions.”

‘Broke’ and Because of ACA?

‘Broke’ and Because of ACA?

House Speaker Paul Ryan falsely claimed that “because of Obamacare, Medicare is going broke.” The law actually improved Medicare’s financing, and the program isn’t going “broke.”

The 2016 FactCheck Awards

The 2016 FactCheck Awards

We highlight some TV ads that made us laugh out loud and either shake our heads or scratch them.

The Final Push: Trump

The Final Push: Trump

With the presidential election just a few days away, we offer a sampling of the misleading claims made by Donald Trump during speeches this week.

The Final Push: Clinton

The Final Push: Clinton

As the election comes to a close, we provide a sampling of the misleading claims made by Hillary Clinton during speeches this week.

The Candidates on Climate Change

The Candidates on Climate Change

We delve into the presidential candidates’ stances and claims on an issue that has received little attention in this campaign.

Spinning the FBI Letter

Spinning the FBI Letter

Director James Comey’s vague announcement sparks partisan distortions.

Democratic Deceptions

Democratic Deceptions

TV ads tie Donald Trump to GOP candidates who don’t support him.