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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Still Cherry-Picking Premiums

Still Cherry-Picking Premiums

Donald Trump claimed that a 25 percent average increase in premiums on the HealthCare.gov exchanges was a “phony number,” citing instead increases of “60, 70, 80 percent.” But Trump just as easily could have cherry-picked increases in the single digits.

Trump’s Bogus Voter Fraud Claims

Trump’s Bogus Voter Fraud Claims

Donald Trump is citing unsubstantiated urban myths and a contested academic study to paint a false narrative about rampant voter fraud in the U.S. and the likelihood of a “rigged” election.

Trump Twists Facts on WikiLeaks

Trump Twists Facts on WikiLeaks

Donald Trump cited apparent excerpts from Hillary Clinton’s past closed-door speeches, contained in emails leaked by WikiLeaks, but he twisted those excerpts in some cases.

FactChecking the VP Debate

FactChecking the VP Debate

The vice presidential candidates got their one chance to debate, and it was a fact-checking bonanza.

Clinton on the Stump

Clinton on the Stump

Part two of our series checking the accuracy of claims made by the presidential candidates in their daily stump speeches.

Trump on the Stump

Trump on the Stump

We are checking the accuracy of claims made by the presidential candidates in their daily stump speeches. First up: Trump.