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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Obama’s Immigration Amnesia

Obama’s Immigration Amnesia

President Barack Obama tried to rewrite history by claiming that his position had not changed regarding legal authority for executive orders on immigration that he is now considering.

2014 Campaign Whoppers

2014 Campaign Whoppers

No shortage of tall tales in the midterm elections, from both parties.

Midterm Medicare Mudslinging

Midterm Medicare Mudslinging

Democrats, Republicans spend nearly $50 million on TV ads that repeat old, scary Medicare claims.

Abortion Distortions 2014

Abortion Distortions 2014

In the 2014 fight for control of Congress, Democrats are sometimes using a tactic they’ve used before: Falsifying or exaggerating the positions their Republican opponents have taken on abortion.

Special Interest Battle in Midwest Races

Special Interest Battle in Midwest Races

Two ads from the conservative Crossroads organizations claim Democratic Senate candidates in Iowa and Michigan who oppose the Keystone XL pipeline are backed by an environmental activist who “stands to profit by blocking Keystone.”

Doubling Down in West Virginia

Doubling Down in West Virginia

Rep. Nick Rahall’s latest TV ad doubles down on the deceptive claim that Republican Evan Jenkins has pledged to “take away” black lung benefits from coal miners.

Colorado’s Contraception Controversy

Colorado’s Contraception Controversy

Both sides in the Colorado Senate race are misleading voters in TV ads on Republican Rep. Cory Gardner’s proposal to allow the sale of birth control pills over-the-counter.

Tillis: Education Budget Backer or Hacker?

Tillis: Education Budget Backer or Hacker?

A North Carolina public school teacher says in a TV ad that she tells her students to “start with the facts,” but she begins attacking Republican Senate candidate Thom Tillis with an exaggerated claim about Tillis’ education “cuts.”

A Game of Telephone in Colorado

A Game of Telephone in Colorado

A Crossroads GPS ad exaggerates a few personal anecdotes to claim that “many Coloradans pay roughly 100 percent more for health insurance since Obamacare.”