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Posts Misleadingly Link Town Clerk’s Case to 2020 Presidential Election

Posts Misleadingly Link Town Clerk’s Case to 2020 Presidential Election

A Michigan town clerk pleaded no contest in 2023 to a charge of misconduct in office. Social media posts misleadingly highlight her case to push the false narrative that the 2020 presidential election was “rigged.” The clerk’s case was related to her local primary race, not the presidential election.

Number of Counties Won in Presidential Election Doesn’t Determine Outcome

Number of Counties Won in Presidential Election Doesn’t Determine Outcome

Democrats tend to win in densely populated counties, while Republicans win more sparse, rural counties. In 2020, the counties won by President Joe Biden had 67 million more residents than counties won by former President Donald Trump. Yet a social media post falsely asserts that because Biden won with fewer counties than Trump, “something isn’t adding up.”

A Guide to the Candidates’ Claims

A Guide to the Candidates’ Claims

This is a guide to key stories we did during the 2020 election between Donald Trump and his Democratic challenger, Joe Biden.

Revived Political Post Falsely Attributed, Again, to Clint Eastwood

Revived Political Post Falsely Attributed, Again, to Clint Eastwood

Facebook users falsely claim a post critical of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden was written by actor Clint Eastwood. A nearly identical post aimed at former President Barack Obama — and also misattributed to Eastwood — has circulated since 2013.

Viral Posts Take Biden Quote on Voter Fraud Out of Context

Viral Posts Take Biden Quote on Voter Fraud Out of Context

Social media posts shared by Eric Trump and Fox News host Jeanine Pirro take a quote by Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden out of context to claim he “admits to voter fraud.” Biden was actually describing his efforts to prevent voter fraud and suppression.

Biden Hasn’t Suspended In-Person Campaigning

Biden Hasn’t Suspended In-Person Campaigning

A false claim on social media suggests former Vice President Joe Biden has stopped all in-person campaigning until the election. He has plans to visit several states before Nov. 3.

Photo of Man in Halloween Costume Isn’t Mark Kelly

Photo of Man in Halloween Costume Isn’t Mark Kelly

Social media posts, including one retweeted by Donald Trump Jr., falsely claim that a yearbook photo shows Democratic Senate candidate Mark Kelly dressed as Hitler for Halloween. Kelly’s campaign and several of his former classmates told FactCheck.org that the photo is not of Kelly.

Social Media Posts Misquote Trump on Immigrant Family Separations

Social Media Posts Misquote Trump on Immigrant Family Separations

President Donald Trump didn’t say “‘GOOD’ about the kids being separated from the parents” at the southern border during the final presidential debate, as social media posts wrongly claim. He said “go ahead” to the moderator, who was trying to move on to the next topic.

Posts Target Trump With False Claim on MAGA Hats

Posts Target Trump With False Claim on MAGA Hats

Social media posts erroneously suggest that President Donald Trump’s campaign hats are made in China, while those for former Vice President Joe Biden’s campaign are made in the U.S. The official hats sold by both campaigns are made by American companies.

Posts Misquote Biden on Section 8 Housing

Posts Misquote Biden on Section 8 Housing

Facebook posts falsely claim that at his Oct. 15 town hall event, former Vice President Joe Biden said he grew up in Section 8 housing. Biden actually said he lived in a building which “became Section 8 housing much later.”