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Conspiracy Theory Baselessly Claims Biden Had Navy SEALs Killed

Conspiracy Theory Baselessly Claims Biden Had Navy SEALs Killed

A viral conspiracy theory spread across social media baselessly claims former Vice President Joe Biden “had SEAL Team 6 killed” as part of a cover-up after a purportedly failed assassination of Osama bin Laden. President Donald Trump shared the unfounded theory on Twitter.

Kamala Harris, Honest Abe and the Supreme Court

Kamala Harris, Honest Abe and the Supreme Court

Q: Was Sen. Kamala Harris’ story at the vice presidential debate about President Abraham Lincoln’s 1864 Supreme Court vacancy correct?

A: There’s no evidence that Lincoln said he delayed the nomination to let voters choose the next president, as Harris said.  

Putting a Viral Video Clip of Biden in Context

Putting a Viral Video Clip of Biden in Context

Conservative personalities are sharing a brief video clip showing Joe Biden speaking at an event in September to suggest the Democratic presidential nominee was making a racially insensitive remark. But it misleadingly omits any context for the quote.

Viral Post Overstates Effect of Trump’s Order on Preexisting Conditions

Viral Post Overstates Effect of Trump’s Order on Preexisting Conditions

A popular Facebook post asks why an order by President Donald Trump “PROTECTING PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS got almost zero coverage,” and suggests it’s wrong to say he is “trying to eliminate that protection.” Trump is trying to repeal the Affordable Care Act, which put such protections into place, and his recent executive order, on its own, doesn’t legally guarantee them.

No Evidence Biden Was ‘Wearing a Wire’ in Debate

No Evidence Biden Was ‘Wearing a Wire’ in Debate

Facebook posts baselessly accuse former Vice President Joe Biden of wearing a wire during the first presidential debate. The low-quality videos and photos being cited don’t support that claim.

Posts Mislead on Biden’s Role in Social Security Taxes

Posts Mislead on Biden’s Role in Social Security Taxes

Posts on Facebook and Twitter suggest that former Vice President Joe Biden is responsible for taxes on Social Security, but those posts ignore the political history and mislead on the details. The posts also twist Biden’s proposals on retirement contributions.

CBS News Didn’t Misrepresent Trump Gathering as a Biden Event

CBS News Didn’t Misrepresent Trump Gathering as a Biden Event

Social media posts are using an image of a CBS News report to accuse the network of misrepresenting a campaign event for President Donald Trump as one for former Vice President Joe Biden. That’s false. The report’s voiceover was discussing the Trump campaign while the photo was on the screen.