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Vice Presidential Vacancy Isn’t Automatically Filled by House Speaker

Vice Presidential Vacancy Isn’t Automatically Filled by House Speaker

A viral Facebook post wrongly suggests that if Joe Biden were to become president and later step down, Nancy Pelosi would become vice president. The Constitution says the vice president would become president and nominate a replacement; Congress must confirm or deny that pick.

Baseless Claim Turns Fake IDs Story into Voter Fraud Tale

Baseless Claim Turns Fake IDs Story into Voter Fraud Tale

A claim being shared on Facebook distorts the facts about fake IDs seized in a Chicago airport this year, baselessly claiming the phony IDs were tied to names “ALL Registered to Vote” as Democrats. Federal authorities announced no connection to a voter fraud scheme, and those making the claim offer no evidence.

Mail-in Voting Envelopes Don’t Reveal Party During General Election

Mail-in Voting Envelopes Don’t Reveal Party During General Election

Facebook posts falsely suggest that envelopes used for mail-in ballots in general elections reveal party affiliation, saying postal workers may “toss” votes. Voting experts say they don’t know of any such labels in general elections — only on envelopes during primary elections.

Posts Distort Impact of Biden’s Tax Plan on Middle-Income Earners

Posts Distort Impact of Biden’s Tax Plan on Middle-Income Earners

Facebook posts falsely claim that under Joe Biden, the “tax rate on a family making 75000 dollars would go from 12% to 25%.” Biden’s proposal does not call for a tax increase on those making less than $400,000, though analysts say an increased corporate tax rate could effectively result in a small tax increase for middle-income earners. 

Posts Take Old Photos of Biden, Harris Out of Context

Posts Take Old Photos of Biden, Harris Out of Context

Facebook posts are using out-of-context photos to suggest Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and his running mate, Sen. Kamala Harris, are not abiding by public health recommendations regarding face masks. The photos are from early March, before face masks were recommended by federal health officials.

Harris Hasn’t Called Biden a ‘Racist’ or a ‘Rapist’

Harris Hasn’t Called Biden a ‘Racist’ or a ‘Rapist’

Contrary to claims in viral internet posts, Sen. Kamala Harris did not call former Vice President Joe Biden a “racist” or a “rapist.” Rather, she has been critical of Biden’s position on busing to integrate schools and comments he made about segregationist senators, and she has said that she believed women who accused Biden of making them feel uncomfortable.

Trump Ad Features Edited, Out-of-Context Biden Photos

Trump Ad Features Edited, Out-of-Context Biden Photos

President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign has released an ad that features edited and out-of-context photos to illustrate Joe Biden “hiding” in his basement rather than taking questions from reporters on the campaign trail.

Video Doesn’t Show Biden Hosting ‘Black Face Skit’

Video Doesn’t Show Biden Hosting ‘Black Face Skit’

A video clip of Joe Biden jokingly introducing a Black singer at a 1985 fundraiser as “Michael Jackson” has been manipulated and shared with a false claim that Biden was participating in a “black face” skit.

Trump Campaign Didn’t Advertise for ‘MINORITY Actors’ in Tulsa

Trump Campaign Didn’t Advertise for ‘MINORITY Actors’ in Tulsa

Posts on social media cite an anonymous Craigslist ad to support the false claim that President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign is seeking “MINORITY Actors” to hold signs at his June 20 rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The Trump campaign says it didn’t post the ad, and Craigslist has removed it.