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Abortion Distortion in Mississippi Primary

Abortion Distortion in Mississippi Primary

The Republican primary for U.S. Senate in Mississippi has what the Mississippi Right to Life calls “two really good pro-life candidates.” Yet, the candidates are engaged in a spirited — and deceptive — fight over abortion.

Misleading Abortion Attack in Michigan

Misleading Abortion Attack in Michigan

A TV ad in a Michigan primary says Republican Rep. Justin Amash “voted to allow gender-selection abortions.” But the ad ignores Amash’s anti-abortion position and his reasons for voting against this particular bill.

Christie ‘Strains’ the Facts

Christie ‘Strains’ the Facts

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie was wrong when he claimed in a speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference that no “pro-life Democrat” has ever been allowed to speak at a Democratic National Convention.

Miscasting McAuliffe’s Abortion Stance

Miscasting McAuliffe’s Abortion Stance

An ad from a conservative super PAC claims without evidence that “Terry McAuliffe supports abortion on demand at any time for any reason — paid for by Virginia taxpayers.”

The Final Attack Ads

The Final Attack Ads

Both sides in the presidential race are making one last push for votes with false and distorted claims on television, radio and even in text messages:

A liberal super PAC’s radio ad in Ohio twists Mitt Romney’s words by having him say six times: “I’m not concerned about the very poor.” He actually said: “I’m not concerned about the very poor; we have a safety net there. If it needs repair, I’ll fix it.”
A conservative super PAC falsely claims in a TV ad that President Obama’s health care law “creates an unaccountable new board that can cut Medicare benefits with no notice —

The Life of the Mother

The Life of the Mother

Illinois Republican Rep. Joe Walsh falsely claimed that there wasn’t “one instance” where an abortion would be necessary to save the mother’s life. But the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists said that more than 600 women die each year due to complications from pregnancy and childbirth, and more would die if they didn’t have access to abortion. After that, Walsh quickly backed down.
Walsh made his controversial comments after an Oct. 18 debate with Democratic challenger Tammy Duckworth.

Brown ‘Lying’ About Abortion Stance?

Brown ‘Lying’ About Abortion Stance?

An abortion rights group says that Republican Sen. Scott Brown of Massachusetts is “straight-up lying” in a new ad that says he is “pro-choice, and he supports a woman’s right to choose.” That’s wrong. Brown has consistently said he is a supporter of abortion rights dating back to 2004, and he urged the GOP this year to change its platform to be more inclusive of Republicans like him. The group’s complaint concerns a few votes on matters such as federal funding and religious conscience clauses that have angered abortion rights organizations and earned support from anti-abortion groups.

Day 2: More Convention Canards

Day 2: More Convention Canards

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — On the second night of their convention, Democrats misled viewers with claims about Republican economic and social policies. Among the convention canards:

Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy said the Republican platform would “take away a woman’s right to choose even if she is a rape victim.” The GOP platform strongly opposes abortion, but is silent on exceptions — leaving that up to the states.
The president of Planned Parenthood said Romney and Ryan “are committed to ending insurance coverage for birth control.” That’s not true.

GOP Platform on Abortion

The Republican Party’s 2012 platform calls for a ban on abortion, but is silent on exceptions — leaving that decision up to Congress and the states. However, as FactCheck.org Director Brooks Jackson tells WCBS radio, the Obama campaign falsely claims the GOP platform calls for banning abortions even in cases of rape or incest.
See “Another Abortion Falsehood from Obama’s ‘Truth Team‘” for more information about what the Republican platform says about abortion.