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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Nonsense in New Mexico

Rep. Steve Pearce’s campaign and an independent anti-abortion group both have attacked Rep. Heather Wilson in the hotly contested race to be the Republican nominee for an open New Mexico Senate seat. But Pearce and the group run afoul of the facts. A mailer from Pearce claims that Wilson “voted for cloning that would create human embryos specifically to be destroyed for scientific research.” Actually, she voted to make it illegal to clone humans for reproductive purposes; the bill did not address embryos to be used for research, as anti-abortion groups wanted. It’s simply false to say she voted for som

Effect of Overturning Roe v. Wade

Editor’s note: We published an updated story on this issue on May 3, 2022.
Q: What would happen if the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade?

A: Some states would outlaw abortion but others would not.

McCain’s Misleading Mailer

McCain is sending out a postcard mailing in South Carolina that is misleading on more than one point.

It says that "Romney provided taxpayer-funded abortions," a distortion. Romney’s Massachusetts health-care plan faced a court order requiring abortions to be covered.
It says Romney "refused to endorse Bush Tax Cut Plan," but fails to note that McCain himself voted against it.
It says, "Hillary tried to spend $1 million for a Woodstock museum" until "John McCain said NO."

Abortions: Comparing Catholic and Protestant Women

Q: Do Catholic women get abortions more frequently than Protestant women?
A: Catholics are slightly more likely to get an abortion than Protestants, according to a 2000-2001 survey.

Romney on Huckabee

His ad strains to create black-and-white contrasts from blurry shades of gray.

Liberal Ad Against Alito: True As Far As It Goes

A mostly liberal group’s ad says Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito made a ruling “to make it easier for corporations to discriminate” and also “voted to approve the strip search of a 10-year-old girl.” As is often the case with 30-second ads, there’s more to it than that.

NARAL Round 2: No Distortion Here

The abortion-rights group’s latest ad takes issue with Judge Roberts on whether the Constitution contains a right to privacy.