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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

When Are Heartbeats Audible During Pregnancy?

When Are Heartbeats Audible During Pregnancy?

Q: When is the human heart fully developed, and when are heartbeats audible during pregnancy?

A: A developing heart has all of its primary structures after about nine weeks of pregnancy. Some forms of ultrasound can detect cardiac activity in an embryo in the sixth week, but a heartbeat wouldn’t be audible until about 10 weeks on a Doppler fetal monitor.

Trump: 17 Repeats in 17 Hours

Trump: 17 Repeats in 17 Hours

Over the course of 17 hours, President Donald Trump repeated 17 false and misleading claims that we have written about since he became president.

Old Decision in Tax Lawsuit Gets New Spin

Old Decision in Tax Lawsuit Gets New Spin

A website known for spreading misinformation writes that a man who cited religious reasons for not paying his income taxes “has won an historic lawsuit against the IRS.” That’s misleading. One charge was dropped, but four others have yet to be determined.

Kentucky Governor Misguides on Chickenpox

Kentucky Governor Misguides on Chickenpox

In the midst of a chickenpox outbreak in his state, Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin said that he had not vaccinated any of his children against the disease, choosing instead to purposely expose his kids to an infected person to get the chickenpox — a practice that public health officials say is dangerous.

The Facts on the Born-Alive Debate

The Facts on the Born-Alive Debate

Republicans and Democrats traded accusations on the topic of abortion after a “born-alive” bill failed in the Senate. Democrats say the legislation was unnecessary and aimed at restricting access to legal abortion, while Republicans say it was about protecting babies. We’ll go through what the recent legislation said and what both sides are saying about it.

Exaggerated Claims About Girl Scout Cookies

Exaggerated Claims About Girl Scout Cookies

A viral meme claims that Girl Scout cookies support Planned Parenthood, but the organization says it has no “relationship or partnership with Planned Parenthood.”

Addressing New York’s New Abortion Law

Addressing New York’s New Abortion Law

Q: Does the new New York law allow full-term abortions?

A: The law permits abortions after 24 weeks if a health care professional determines the health or life of the mother is at risk, or the fetus is not viable.

Kavanaugh Files: Abortion Rights

Kavanaugh Files: Abortion Rights

Advocates for abortion rights are concerned that Judge Brett Kavanaugh could become the deciding vote in a future case to potentially overturn Roe v. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court decision that recognized a woman’s right to an abortion. We review the specific points raised by the Democrats and the facts in each case.

Emily’s List/Women Vote!

Political committees devoted to electing Democratic women candidates who support a legal right to abortion.