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Fake Mike Pence Abortion Quote

Fake Mike Pence Abortion Quote

Q: Did Vice President Mike Pence say, “Allowing rape victims to have abortions will lead to women trying to get raped”?

A: No. That fabricated quote comes from a made-up story published by a “hybrid news/satire” website.

Obama’s Whoppers

Obama’s Whoppers

A look back at fact-checking the 44th president of the United States

Video: The Final Debate

Video: The Final Debate

This video features eight claims that we fact-checked at the third and final presidential debate in Las Vegas.

Jolly, Trump Photos Are Fake

Jolly, Trump Photos Are Fake

Some voters may be misled by a Democratic TV ad that uses fake images, marked “dramatization,” of Republican Rep. David Jolly and Donald Trump shaking hands and appearing together.

Clinton’s Greatest Hits

Clinton’s Greatest Hits

A compendium of the top false and misleading claims by the Democratic presidential candidate.

Cruz Distorts Trump’s Position

Cruz Distorts Trump’s Position

Sen. Ted Cruz mischaracterized Donald Trump’s position on Planned Parenthood, claiming that both Trump and Hillary Clinton “support taxpayer funding for it.”

Cruz’s SCOTUS Stretch

Cruz’s SCOTUS Stretch

Sen. Ted Cruz claims that President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee, Merrick Garland, is “precisely” the kind of nominee “that a dealmaker like Donald Trump would support.” Trump has named two possible nominees, both Republican appointees.