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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Unspinning the Planned Parenthood Video

Unspinning the Planned Parenthood Video

The full Planned Parenthood video shows an executive repeatedly saying its clinics want to cover their costs, not make money, when donating fetal tissue from abortions for scientific research.

Does a Fetus Feel Pain at 20 Weeks?

Does a Fetus Feel Pain at 20 Weeks?

A number of Republican House members say scientific research proves a 20-week-old fetus can feel pain. But the ability to feel pain at that specific point in gestation is unproven.

The Santorum File

The Santorum File

Rick Santorum has announced he will run again for president in 2016. This is our report on some of the false or misleading remarks he has made over the years.

FactChecking the Alaska Senate Race

FactChecking the Alaska Senate Race

Sen. Mark Begich has portrayed his Republican opponent, Dan Sullivan, as soft on sex offenders and tough on women’s rights. Sullivan has accused the Democrat of hurting taxpayers and ignoring veterans. Both candidates and their allies have twisted the facts.

FactChecking the Colorado Senate Race

FactChecking the Colorado Senate Race

Colorado’s Senate race pits Democratic freshman Sen. Mark Udall against Republican Rep. Cory Gardner, who is in his second term in the House.

Abortion Distortions 2014

Abortion Distortions 2014

In the 2014 fight for control of Congress, Democrats are sometimes using a tactic they’ve used before: Falsifying or exaggerating the positions their Republican opponents have taken on abortion.

A Fight Over Birth Control in Colorado

A Fight Over Birth Control in Colorado

A major issue in the Colorado Senate race has been a state ballot initiative on “personhood” and what it could mean for common forms of birth control, including the pill. Neither side is quite telling the whole story.

More Mississippi Mud

More Mississippi Mud

A super PAC backing Sen. Thad Cochran in the Mississippi GOP primary falsely claims state Sen. Chris McDaniel has “the worst attendance record in the state Senate,” and exaggerates the importance of votes he missed.

Abortion Attack Goes Too Far in Montana

Abortion Attack Goes Too Far in Montana

A TV ad in Montana says Rep. Steve Daines — who opposes abortion rights — “proposed making women criminals for having an abortion.” But the bill that the ad cites expressly bars “the prosecution of any woman for the death of her unborn child.”