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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Trump Distorts New Regulation Extending ‘Obamacare’ to DACA Recipients

Trump Distorts New Regulation Extending ‘Obamacare’ to DACA Recipients

A new Biden administration rule will make recipients of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals eligible to obtain health insurance plans established by the Affordable Care Act. But former President Donald Trump has mischaracterized the regulation, claiming that it is “giving Obamacare and all free government health care to illegal aliens.”

FactChecking Biden’s Swing-State Stops in Pennsylvania

FactChecking Biden’s Swing-State Stops in Pennsylvania

While former President Donald Trump spent much of his week in court, President Joe Biden visited the swing state of Pennsylvania for three days and gave speeches in Scranton, Pittsburgh and Philadelphia. We flagged some false and misleading claims, including several common talking points.

Familiar Claims in a Familiar Presidential Race

Familiar Claims in a Familiar Presidential Race

As a primer for the 2024 election, here’s our guide to the top 10 falsehoods and distortions — so far — in terms of Trump’s and Biden’s propensity to repeat them.

Biden’s Campaign-Style Distortions

Biden’s Campaign-Style Distortions

As the midterm elections draw near, President Joe Biden has delivered campaign-style speeches that misstated statistics on the COVID-19 pandemic, may leave the wrong impression that police officers were killed during the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol, and overstated the impact of the Affordable Care Act.

Biden Repeats Misleading Talking Point on Preexisting Conditions

Biden Repeats Misleading Talking Point on Preexisting Conditions

In praising the Affordable Care Act, President Joe Biden misleadingly warned of the consequences if Republicans ever repealed the law, saying that would mean “100 million Americans with preexisting conditions can once again be denied health care coverage by their insurance companies.” But those Americans could only be denied coverage on the individual market.

Meme Misleads on Early Actions by Biden

Meme Misleads on Early Actions by Biden

A meme purports to list actions taken by President Joe Biden in his “first 48 hours” in office — but most of the points are misleading or wrong. For example, the purported tax changes are proposals — some of which need additional context — and would require legislation before they can be implemented.

How the Supreme Court Could Rule on ACA Case

How the Supreme Court Could Rule on ACA Case

The Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the latest legal challenge to the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act today. There are a range of possible outcomes in the case.

FactChecking Trump’s Town Hall

FactChecking Trump’s Town Hall

In an Oct. 15 town hall on NBC News, President Donald Trump made false and misleading claims on the coronavirus, the economy and more.