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The Great Premium Debate Continues

The Great Premium Debate Continues

Rep. Michele Bachmann wrongly claims that we’re seeing “huge increases” in employer-sponsored plans, while President Obama touts historically low health care inflation, which experts say is mainly due to the slow economy, not the health care law.

Final Week Spin

Final Week Spin

With the midterm elections now just days away, many campaigns and outside groups are making their final appeals. And, as has been the case all election season, some of the claims miss the mark.

FactChecking the Michigan Senate Race

FactChecking the Michigan Senate Race

The Michigan Senate race pits Democratic Rep. Gary Peters against Republican Terri Lynn Land, a former Michigan secretary of state, to replace the retiring Sen. Carl Levin.

The Uninsured in Kentucky

The Uninsured in Kentucky

Sen. Mitch McConnell and Democrat Alison Lundergan Grimes disagreed at their Oct. 13 debate on how many Kentuckians had gained health insurance through the state exchange.

FactChecking the North Carolina Senate Race

FactChecking the North Carolina Senate Race

The North Carolina Senate race pits incumbent Democratic Sen. Kay Hagan against Republican challenger Thom Tillis. While the two campaigns have aggressively attacked each another, they’ve had a lot of help from outside supporters as well.

FactChecking the Colorado Senate Race

FactChecking the Colorado Senate Race

Colorado’s Senate race pits Democratic freshman Sen. Mark Udall against Republican Rep. Cory Gardner, who is in his second term in the House.

FactChecking the Kentucky Senate Race

FactChecking the Kentucky Senate Race

Kentucky voters have a stark choice between Republican incumbent Mitch McConnell and Democratic challenger Alison Lundergan Grimes. Their fierce battle has included falsehoods on jobs, coal and health care.

FactChecking the Arkansas Senate Race

FactChecking the Arkansas Senate Race

The Arkansas Senate race between Democratic Sen. Mark Pryor and Republican Rep. Tom Cotton began for us in June 2013 — just six months into the new Congress — with an article that carried the headline “It’s Groundhog Day for Fact-Checkers.” It hasn’t gotten much better for fact-checkers since then.

Doubling Down in West Virginia

Doubling Down in West Virginia

Rep. Nick Rahall’s latest TV ad doubles down on the deceptive claim that Republican Evan Jenkins has pledged to “take away” black lung benefits from coal miners.