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Colorado’s Contraception Controversy

Colorado’s Contraception Controversy

Both sides in the Colorado Senate race are misleading voters in TV ads on Republican Rep. Cory Gardner’s proposal to allow the sale of birth control pills over-the-counter.

A Game of Telephone in Colorado

A Game of Telephone in Colorado

A Crossroads GPS ad exaggerates a few personal anecdotes to claim that “many Coloradans pay roughly 100 percent more for health insurance since Obamacare.”

Father Doesn’t Always Know Best

Father Doesn’t Always Know Best

A super PAC formed by the father of Rep. Ted Yoho’s primary challenger claims Yoho is “first in line” at “feeding at the special interest trough,” but offers up two misleading examples.

Measuring Merkley’s Record

Measuring Merkley’s Record

An ad from a Koch-backed group labels Oregon Sen. Jeff Merkley an ineffective leader because he “wrote only one bill that became law” in six years. This claim betrays a fundamental misunderstanding of the ways of Congress.

Headed for the Hall of Shame

Headed for the Hall of Shame

A Republican ad attacking Democratic Sen. Mark Pryor of Arkansas says he “voted to give Social Security benefits to illegal immigrants.” Actually, what Pryor voted for wouldn’t have paid a penny to any immigrant while here illegally.

Crossroads GPS’ Twisted Tale

Crossroads GPS’ Twisted Tale

An ad from Crossroads GPS leaves the false impression that a Colorado woman “had to go back to work” to pay for health care insurance mandated by the Affordable Care Act.

Who Supports Obamacare in Georgia Race?

Who Supports Obamacare in Georgia Race?

Both candidates seeking the Republican nomination in a Georgia House race have repeatedly called for the repeal of the Affordable Care Act. But you wouldn’t know it from the competing ads from Bob Johnson and Buddy Carter.

Pryor’s Prior Partisan Votes

Pryor’s Prior Partisan Votes

Tom Cotton accuses Sen. Mark Pryor of “toeing the line” for President Obama and the Democratic Party, but Pryor voted against Obama more than any other Senate Democrat.

‘Cassidycare?’ Come On!

‘Cassidycare?’ Come On!

A Democratic TV ad makes some audaciously false claims about Rep. Bill Cassidy, Louisiana Sen. Mary Landrieu’s main Republican opponent.