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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

‘Skyrocketing’ Premiums

‘Skyrocketing’ Premiums

Several ads make the misleading claim that premiums and health care costs are “skyrocketing” under the Affordable Care Act. Overall, both are growing at historically low rates. Some who buy their own insurance will pay more, but others will pay less.

‘Millions’ Lost Insurance

‘Millions’ Lost Insurance

Anti-Obamacare ads have claimed that “millions” lost their health insurance and their doctors because of the law. But policyholders weren’t denied coverage, and there’s evidence that far more gained insurance than had their plans canceled.

Obama’s Numbers (April 2014 Update)

Obama’s Numbers (April 2014 Update)

Our statistical indicators include record corporate profits and millions flocking to Obamacare, along with stagnant wages and a doubled debt.

How Not To Use a Survey

How Not To Use a Survey

Republicans cite a new survey to claim health insurance premiums are up 90 percent in New Hampshire because of the Affordable Care Act. But that figure is based on just one insurance broker in the state.

Not ‘Everybody’ Is Covered Under ACA

Not ‘Everybody’ Is Covered Under ACA

President Obama went too far in saying the Affordable Care Act meant “everybody” would have “basic health care.” The law doesn’t create a universal health care system, and not everyone will have insurance.

Misleading Anti-Obamacare Ad in Michigan

Misleading Anti-Obamacare Ad in Michigan

Americans for Prosperity’s latest anecdotal TV ad attacking the Affordable Care Act features a Michigan mom who says her family’s “new plan is not affordable at all” and that the law is “destroying the middle class.”

Silver State Slipups

Silver State Slipups

An ad from a PAC headed by tea party Republican Sharron Angle relies on several dubious comparisons to attack the Affordable Care Act’s state-run exchange in Nevada.

Bogus Attack in Coal Mine Country

Bogus Attack in Coal Mine Country

A TV ad in West Virginia’s 3rd District falsely claims that Republican Evan Jenkins “vowed to repeal black lung benefits.” Jenkins vowed to repeal the Affordable Care Act, not end black lung benefits.