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Consumer Reports on HealthCare.gov

Consumer Reports on HealthCare.gov

GOP Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy falsely claimed Consumer Reports warned “Americans not to go to the [HealthCare.gov] website because of the fear of having fraud.”

The Keg Stand Obamacare Ads

The Keg Stand Obamacare Ads

Let’s clear this up: The edgy “got insurance?” Obamacare ads that have gone viral on the Web were not created by the Colorado state exchange or any other governmental agency, nor are they taxpayer-funded, as two Republican congressmen have claimed.

Keeping Your Health Plan

Keeping Your Health Plan

For years, President Obama promised millions of Americans with health insurance that “if you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan” under his health care overhaul. He wasn’t the only one, either.

The Rest of the Story on Arizona Anecdote

The Rest of the Story on Arizona Anecdote

Conservative groups are highlighting the case of an Arizona man with leukemia whose insurance plan was canceled because it didn’t comply with the Affordable Care Act.

Reality Confronts Obama’s False Promise

Reality Confronts Obama’s False Promise

We’ve been saying for years that President Obama was over-simplifying and over-promising when he kept saying, “if you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan” under the new health care law. Now reality is catching up with his political spin.

ACA Doesn’t Restrict Mammograms

ACA Doesn’t Restrict Mammograms

Q: Does the Affordable Care Act restrict my ability to get a mammogram?
A: No. In fact, the law requires insurers to cover mammography, with no cost-sharing, every one to two years for women starting at age 40. Medicare fully pays for mammograms once every 12 months with no upper age limit.

Boehner and the Medical Device Tax

Boehner and the Medical Device Tax

House Speaker John Boehner exaggerated when he said the 2.3 percent medical device excise tax in the Affordable Care Act “is costing us tens of thousands of jobs that are being shipped overseas.”

Sex Questions from Your Doctor?

Sex Questions from Your Doctor?

Q: Will doctors be required to ask patients questions about their sexual history under the Affordable Care Act?
A: No. A program created by the stimulus law – not Obamacare — encourages health professionals to use electronic records. But there is no requirement in the program to ask anything about sexual history.