In remarks about President Donald Trump’s pick for the Supreme Court, Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden made some questionable statements.
Issues: Affordable Care Act
Biden Misleads on Preexisting Conditions
Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden claimed President Trump’s effort in court to nullify the Affordable Care Act would “take 100 million people with preexisting conditions and move them in a direction where they can’t get coverage.” They wouldn’t all lose coverage, as the claim suggests, barring highly unlikely circumstances.
Biden’s Factual Distortions
FactChecking the Las Vegas Democratic Debate
Bloomberg, Trump Spar on Preexisting Conditions
The Preexisting Conditions Debate Isn’t Over
FactChecking Sanders’ CNN Town Hall
Video: FactChecking Trump’s Fact-Checking Claim
Trump Is Wrong About Fact-Checkers
President Trump falsely suggested that fact-checkers didn’t hold then-President Barack Obama accountable for his false promise that if you like your health care plan or your doctor, you can keep them under the Affordable Care Act. We wrote as far back as 2009 that Obama couldn’t make that promise to everyone.