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Trump Stump Speeches: Health Care

Trump Stump Speeches: Health Care

President Donald Trump has made health care — in particular a “Medicare for All” plan proposed by Sen. Bernie Sanders — a main theme in his campaign rallies across the country.

Video: Trump’s Medicare Op-Ed

Video: Trump’s Medicare Op-Ed

CNN’s Jake Tapper this week looks some of the numerous false and misleading claims that President Trump made in an op-ed that ran under the president’s name in USA Today.

Health Care Spin in Tennessee

Health Care Spin in Tennessee

A Democratic TV ad in the Tennessee Senate race spins the facts on votes that Rep. Marsha Blackburn cast on health care.

Trump Misleads on Preexisting Conditions

Trump Misleads on Preexisting Conditions

The Department of Justice is siding with plaintiffs in a lawsuit that it said, if successful, would end Affordable Care Act protections for those with preexisting conditions. Yet, President Donald Trump claimed that “preexisting conditions are safe” and that he “will always fight for … patients with preexisting conditions.”

Trump’s Misleading Boast on Premiums

Trump’s Misleading Boast on Premiums

President Donald Trump has repeatedly said that Obamacare is “dead,” but recently he has been making a misleading boast about low insurance premium growth for 2019 marketplace plans.

Obama Cherry-Picks Uninsured Figure

Obama Cherry-Picks Uninsured Figure

Former President Barack Obama claimed that Republicans’ “sabotage of the Affordable Care Act has already cost more than 3 million Americans their health insurance.” That’s according to one estimate, but another found no significant change in the rate or the number of uninsured from 2016 to 2017. 

Kavanaugh Files: The Affordable Care Act

Kavanaugh Files: The Affordable Care Act

Several Democratic senators have claimed that Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh’s history shows he would be a danger on the court to the Affordable Care Act. We examine Kavanaugh’s dissents in cases involving the ACA.

Trump Jumps the Gun (Again) on Health Plans

Trump Jumps the Gun (Again) on Health Plans

President Donald Trump touted “record business” for new health insurance plans under a federal rule that hasn’t yet gone into effect. In fact, since at least December 2017, he has periodically, and prematurely, boasted that “millions” of people are already signing up for these association health plans.

Kavanaugh and the Preexisting Conditions Debate

Kavanaugh and the Preexisting Conditions Debate

An ad from a Democratic group warned that the president’s Supreme Court nominee could eliminate preexisting condition protections under the Affordable Care Act, a move that “would take us back to a time when insurance companies could deny you coverage.” But that depends on who “you” are.

FactChecking Trump’s Nashville Rally

FactChecking Trump’s Nashville Rally

At a campaign rally in Nashville, President Donald Trump repeated a bushelful of false and misleading claims, and added a few new ones.