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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Trump Jumps the Gun (Again) on Health Plans

Trump Jumps the Gun (Again) on Health Plans

President Donald Trump touted “record business” for new health insurance plans under a federal rule that hasn’t yet gone into effect. In fact, since at least December 2017, he has periodically, and prematurely, boasted that “millions” of people are already signing up for these association health plans.

Kavanaugh and the Preexisting Conditions Debate

Kavanaugh and the Preexisting Conditions Debate

An ad from a Democratic group warned that the president’s Supreme Court nominee could eliminate preexisting condition protections under the Affordable Care Act, a move that “would take us back to a time when insurance companies could deny you coverage.” But that depends on who “you” are.

FactChecking Trump’s Nashville Rally

FactChecking Trump’s Nashville Rally

At a campaign rally in Nashville, President Donald Trump repeated a bushelful of false and misleading claims, and added a few new ones.

Trump on Health Insurance Costs

Trump on Health Insurance Costs

President Donald Trump boasted that “we’re having tremendous plans coming out now — health care plans — at a fraction of the cost that are much better than Obamacare.” No such cheap plans have come out yet, though the administration has proposed rules that would expand the sale of less expensive insurance with fewer benefits.

Trump Misleads on Insurer Profits

Trump Misleads on Insurer Profits

President Donald Trump has claimed that under the Affordable Care Act, insurance companies have “taken advantage of this country” and “made a fortune,” which he “stopped” by ending payments for cost-sharing subsidies on the ACA marketplaces. That’s misleading, at best, for several reasons.

Flawed Attack on Jeff Flake

Flawed Attack on Jeff Flake

A campaign ad attacking Republican Sen. Jeff Flake falsely says that he hasn’t worked with President Donald Trump to “repeal Obamacare.”

Trump Didn’t Ignore Disabled Child

Trump Didn’t Ignore Disabled Child

Q: Did President Donald Trump ignore a disabled child who tried to shake his hand?

A: No. A viral video clip omitted Trump’s earlier interaction with the boy.

Subsidies, Not Bailouts

Subsidies, Not Bailouts

President Donald Trump said “bailouts for insurance companies” would “end very soon” if Congress didn’t pass a new health care bill. Sen. Susan Collins said the payments aren’t a bailout, “but rather help people who are very low-income afford their out-of-pocket costs.” Trump distorts the facts.

Senate Bill: Do Premiums Go Up or Down?

Senate Bill: Do Premiums Go Up or Down?

The GOP’s Better Care Reconciliation Act would affect premiums on the individual market in different ways, depending on individual circumstances.

GOP Medicaid Spin

GOP Medicaid Spin

Republicans are spinning their health care bills’ impact on Medicaid. Sen. Pat Toomey made the questionable claim that under the Senate bill “no one loses coverage” gained under the Affordable Care Act’s Medicaid expansion. White House Counselor Kellyanne Conway claimed there “are not cuts to Medicaid” in the bills that reduce future Medicaid spending by hundreds of billions.