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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Antarctic Ice Loss Is Significant, Contrary to Claims

Antarctic Ice Loss Is Significant, Contrary to Claims

Antarctica is losing ice mass to the ocean, contributing to global sea level rise. But a popular video misrepresented work focused on Antarctic ice shelves — which float in the sea at the edges of the continent — to incorrectly suggest that “it is unclear if Antarctica is losing any ice on balance.”

Scientist Schools Congressmen on Climate

Scientist Schools Congressmen on Climate

During a recent hearing on the role of innovation in addressing climate change, several Republicans made faulty claims about the climate, past and present.

Ice Caps at Record Low, Not High

Ice Caps at Record Low, Not High

In a recent interview with the British station ITV, President Donald Trump falsely implied the globe’s ice caps are at “record” high levels. But ice caps generally have been declining worldwide.