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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

FactChecking Trump’s Immigration-Related Claims in Phoenix and Las Vegas

FactChecking Trump’s Immigration-Related Claims in Phoenix and Las Vegas

Former President Donald Trump has made illegal immigration and its impact on the U.S. a focus of his campaign – but several of his talking points are wrong or misleading. Here’s what we found among his immigration claims at recent events in the electoral swing states of Arizona and Nevada.

Super Bowl Ads from Trump and Bloomberg

Super Bowl Ads from Trump and Bloomberg

The campaigns of President Donald Trump and Democrat Mike Bloomberg have purchased airtime during the preeminent TV ad event of the year: the Super Bowl. Both scheduled spots make claims that require context or further explanation.

Video: Black Unemployment Under Trump

Video: Black Unemployment Under Trump

In this week’s fact-checking video, CNN’s Jake Tapper reviews President Donald Trump’s claim that the black unemployment rate is the lowest in recorded history “because of my policies.”

Trump Takes Undue Credit on Black Unemployment

Trump Takes Undue Credit on Black Unemployment

Firing back at criticism from Jay-Z, President Donald Trump went too far when he claimed the black unemployment rate is the lowest in recorded history “because of my policies.”