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Trump’s Border Blunders

Trump’s Border Blunders

On the day he met with congressional leaders to discuss the budget stalemate, President Donald Trump repeated several false and misleading claims about the Southwest border and the wall he wants to build.

Several Administrations Used Tear Gas at the Border

Several Administrations Used Tear Gas at the Border

Q: During the Obama administration, did Border Patrol agents use tear gas to control crowds of migrants during incidents at the U.S.-Mexico border?

A: Yes, and the gas was also used by administrations prior to his, news reports say.

Trump’s Border Claims

Trump’s Border Claims

After a group of migrants tried to breach the U.S. border at Tijuana, Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Kevin McAleenan said there were no “reported serious injuries on either side of the border.” But President Donald Trump told reporters the same day that “three Border Patrol people yesterday were very badly hurt through getting hit with rocks and stones.”

Republican Closing Ads: Immigration

Republican Closing Ads: Immigration

In the final days of the 2018 election, Republicans across the country are running TV ads about immigration that falsely accuse some Democrats of wanting “open borders,” plotting to “abolish ICE,” supporting “sanctuary cities” and more.

Video: FactChecking Trump’s Wisconsin Rally

Video: FactChecking Trump’s Wisconsin Rally

In this week’s fact-check video, CNN’s Jake Tapper looks at seven false or misleading claims President Donald Trump made at a recent campaign rally in Wisconsin.

Trump Stump Speeches: Immigration

Trump Stump Speeches: Immigration

Here we look at some of the false, misleading and unsupported claims the president has made about immigration in seven speeches over 12 days, from Erie, Pennsylvania, to Missoula, Montana.

Calls to Abolish ICE Not ‘Open Borders’

Calls to Abolish ICE Not ‘Open Borders’

Despite President Donald Trump’s repeated claims, Democrats are not advocating open borders, not even the ones who are calling to abolish Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Illegal Immigration Statistics

Illegal Immigration Statistics

Much of the political rhetoric in recent weeks has focused on illegal immigration. We thought it would be helpful to take a step back and look at some measures of illegal immigration in a larger context.

The Stats on Border Apprehensions

The Stats on Border Apprehensions

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen said monthly border apprehensions have returned to “previous levels” since dropping significantly after President Donald Trump took office. We look at the long-term statistics.

FactChecking Trump’s Immigration Tweets

FactChecking Trump’s Immigration Tweets

President Donald Trump fired off a flurry of immigration-related tweets beginning on Easter morning, but his messages included muddled and inaccurate claims.