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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Biden Stretches Evidence for Universal Pre-K

Biden Stretches Evidence for Universal Pre-K

President Joe Biden has made sweeping claims about evidence that he says supports his universal pre-kindergarten plan. There is plenty of research on specific targeted programs, but there isn’t much on universal programs. And the research that does exist, in many cases, is more nuanced and less optimistic than Biden suggests.

Electric Vehicle Tax Credits in Democratic Plan

Electric Vehicle Tax Credits in Democratic Plan

The House’s current Build Back Better plan calls for extending a $7,500 tax credit for the purchase of electric vehicles, and it includes an additional $4,500 credit for electric vehicles built in the U.S. by union labor. We provide an explainer of what is being proposed. 

Biden and Buttigieg Overstate Jobs Impact from Infrastructure Bill

Biden and Buttigieg Overstate Jobs Impact from Infrastructure Bill

President Joe Biden and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg overstated the impact of the bipartisan, Senate-approved infrastructure bill on job creation, citing instead an economic forecast that includes the much larger and partisan “human infrastructure” bill.