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Ted Cruz an ‘Outsider’ Like Sanders?

Ted Cruz an ‘Outsider’ Like Sanders?

Sen. Ted Cruz claimed that he and Sen. Bernie Sanders are “outsiders” who “don’t find our fuel in bundlers and special interests. But rather directly from the people.” But Cruz’s comparison to Sanders is a bit of a stretch.

Clinton Wrong About Wall Street Attacks

Clinton Wrong About Wall Street Attacks

Hillary Clinton falsely claimed she is “the only candidate” in the presidential campaign “on either side” who has been attacked in advertising funded by “Wall Street financiers and hedge fund managers.”

Clinton’s Exaggerated Wall Street Claim

Clinton’s Exaggerated Wall Street Claim

Hillary Clinton exaggerated when she claimed Bernie Sanders “took about $200,000 from Wall Street firms” through the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. The DSCC did provide about $200,000 to support Sanders’ 2006 Senate race, but a small percentage of its contributions came from “Wall Street.”

Trump Off-Base on Cruz Loan Rates

Trump Off-Base on Cruz Loan Rates

Donald Trump claimed that the loan rates Sen. Ted Cruz received during his 2012 Senate run were “lower than you could get, lower than anybody could get.” In fact, the evidence shows the interest rates Cruz reported were attainable at the time.

Generation Forward

A Democratic super PAC supporting Martin O’Malley for president.

America Leads

A Republican super PAC supporting New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie for president.

Cruz Loans Not ‘Transparent’

Cruz Loans Not ‘Transparent’

Sen. Ted Cruz said “all of the information” about large bank loans he received to help finance his 2012 Senate campaign “has been public and transparent for many years.” But the loans were not transparent.

‘Outright Lies’ in Alaska?

‘Outright Lies’ in Alaska?

In the Alaska Senate race, a radio ad from GOP frontrunner Dan Sullivan complains of “outright lies” in a TV ad from a super PAC supporting Democratic Sen. Mark Begich. The pro-Begich ad complains about the Koch brothers supporting Sullivan’s campaign.