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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Al Gore Cherry-Picks Green Jobs Data

Al Gore Cherry-Picks Green Jobs Data

Former Vice President Al Gore said there has been an “88 percent growth in green jobs, year over year, over the past year.” That’s misleading. Gore cited data on job openings, not actual jobs, and the data was for two quarters, not a full year, and more than a year old.

Palin Off on Glaciers and Global Warming

Palin Off on Glaciers and Global Warming

Sarah Palin says man isn’t to blame for climate change, citing the fact that some glaciers in Alaska are expanding. But an individual glacier’s growth does not disprove the existence or causes of global warming. The vast majority of glaciers are losing ice rapidly.

Santorum’s Climate Consensus Claims

Santorum’s Climate Consensus Claims

Rick Santorum made two false claims regarding the scientific consensus on climate change in an interview with HBO’s Bill Maher.

The Bear Facts

The Bear Facts

Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid has said at least twice that climate change is causing bears in the Sierra Nevada mountains to change their hibernation patterns. There is no evidence that climate change is actually having such an effect.

Huckabee’s Hot Air on Volcanoes

Huckabee’s Hot Air on Volcanoes

Mike Huckabee claimed that a single volcanic eruption “will contribute more than 100 years of human activity” toward global warming. This is far from accurate.

Polar Bears and Extreme Weather

SciCheck writer Dave Levitan of FactCheck.org was interviewed by Ira Flatow for a segment on Science Friday about the 10th International Conference on Climate Change.

FactChecking Jeb Bush

FactChecking Jeb Bush

Jeb Bush, the brother of one president and son of another, plans to join the 2016 presidential campaign today. It is the first time he has run for national office, so our file on him isn’t as robust as those for some other candidates.