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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Colin Powell’s COVID-19 Death Followed Cancer Diagnosis, Treatment

Colin Powell’s COVID-19 Death Followed Cancer Diagnosis, Treatment

Former Secretary of State Colin Powell died from complications of COVID-19. Although he was fully vaccinated, he was also 84 years old and was a cancer patient who had undergone treatment for multiple myeloma — factors that put him at higher risk of a serious breakthrough illness. His death does not mean the COVID-19 vaccines don’t work, as many social media posts suggest.

Already Had COVID-19? Vaccines Boost Immunity, Not ‘Wipe Out’ Antibodies

Already Had COVID-19? Vaccines Boost Immunity, Not ‘Wipe Out’ Antibodies

Studies show the COVID-19 vaccines boost the antibody levels and improve the immune response of those who previously had COVID-19. The vaccines do not “wipe out” the antibodies developed by a person who had recovered from the disease, as social media posts have falsely claimed for months.

The COVID-19 Recession Officially Ended Before Biden Took Office

The COVID-19 Recession Officially Ended Before Biden Took Office

The recession caused by the COVID-19 pandemic officially lasted just two months and ended in April 2020. But Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg wrongly credited President Joe Biden for guiding “this economy out of the teeth of a terrifying recession.”

Partisan Claims About Flight Cancellations Lack Evidence

Partisan Claims About Flight Cancellations Lack Evidence

Southwest Airlines’ flight cancellations fueled partisan claims over the weekend that transportation workers were protesting COVID-19 vaccine requirements and causing the cancellations. But there’s no evidence that workers staged protests. The Federal Aviation Administration, the airline and labor unions have all cited other reasons.

White House and HHS Employees Aren’t ‘Exempt’ from Vaccine Mandate

White House and HHS Employees Aren’t ‘Exempt’ from Vaccine Mandate

While some specifics of President Joe Biden’s COVID-19 vaccine mandates haven’t been determined, misleading claims about who will be “exempt” have circulated online. Employees at the White House and in agencies within the Department of Health and Human Services are subject to Biden’s executive order requiring federal employees to be vaccinated.

Basketball Star Bradley Beal’s Misleading Comments About COVID-19

Basketball Star Bradley Beal’s Misleading Comments About COVID-19

NBA star Bradley Beal made some misleading comments — shared in viral video clips — about the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines. No vaccine is 100% effective, but clinical trials and studies show the COVID-19 vaccines are very effective at preventing illness, particularly serious illness, including for those previously infected, such as Beal.

Posts Spread Dubious Claim About Ivermectin and Male Fertility

Posts Spread Dubious Claim About Ivermectin and Male Fertility

The Food and Drug Administration says male infertility is not a known side effect of the antiparasitic medication ivermectin. Dubious claims that the drug sterilizes 85% of male users were incorrectly attributed to a questionable 2011 study of the drug’s effect on a small sample of Nigerian men with onchocerciasis, a tropical disease also known as “river blindness.”

COVID-19: The Unvaccinated Pose a Risk to the Vaccinated

COVID-19: The Unvaccinated Pose a Risk to the Vaccinated

Q: How do people who have not been vaccinated against COVID-19 pose a risk to people who have been vaccinated?

A: An unvaccinated person who is infected with COVID-19 poses a much greater risk to others who are also unvaccinated. But vaccines are not 100% effective, so there is a chance that an unvaccinated person could infect a vaccinated person — particularly the vulnerable, such as elderly and immunocompromised individuals.

Social Media Post on Use of Ivermectin for Refugees Lacks Context

Social Media Post on Use of Ivermectin for Refugees Lacks Context

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends the use of ivermectin as a treatment for arriving refugees to treat parasitic infections. But a social media post by Dr. Simone Gold, a proponent of ivermectin as a treatment for COVID-19, references the CDC guidance without accurately explaining the reason why refugees are given the drug. The CDC has warned against using ivermectin to prevent or treat COVID-19.

Ongoing Clinical Trials Will Decide Whether (or Not) Ivermectin Is Safe, Effective for COVID-19

Ongoing Clinical Trials Will Decide Whether (or Not) Ivermectin Is Safe, Effective for COVID-19

Studies on whether ivermectin is beneficial in treating COVID-19 patients haven’t been conclusive, and health officials have warned people not to self-medicate. But multiple large trials are continuing to assess the antiparasitic drug. Yet, Sen. Rand Paul reportedly said researchers were “unwilling to objectively study” it because of “hatred” for Donald Trump. He later acknowledged studies are being done. Here we review the research.