Dubious websites and viral posts falsely claim that the World Health Organization changed COVID-19 testing protocols for political reasons following Joe Biden’s inauguration and admitted that false-positive cases had been inflating the case count. The WHO’s guidance merely reminded labs to follow instructions provided by each test’s manufacturer.
Issues: coronavirus
Hank Aaron’s Death Attributed to Natural Causes
Video Misinterprets Fauci’s Comments on COVID-19 Vaccine
Viral Video Makes False and Unsupported Claims About Vaccines
FactChecking Biden’s Inaugural Address
What President Biden Inherits
What Do the New Coronavirus Variants Mean for the Pandemic?
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Anti-Vaccine Posts Use Deceptively Edited Video Clip
Social media pages that share anti-vaccine messages have used a selectively edited news clip that suggests the COVID-19 vaccine is unsafe. The clip shows a nurse fainting after she gets the vaccine, but it doesn’t show her quick recovery afterward when she explains that she is prone to fainting when triggered by even a slight pain.