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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

COVID-19 Vaccines Have Not Been Shown to Alter DNA, Cause Cancer

COVID-19 Vaccines Have Not Been Shown to Alter DNA, Cause Cancer

Small amounts of DNA from the manufacturing process may remain in the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. Purification and quality control steps ensure any leftover DNA is present within regulatory limits. There isn’t reason to think that this residual DNA would alter a person’s DNA or cause cancer, contrary to claims made online.

Posts Falsely Push Bill Gates-Connected ‘Air’ Vaccine Conspiracy

Posts Falsely Push Bill Gates-Connected ‘Air’ Vaccine Conspiracy

Inhalable or spray versions of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are still in development and don’t have regulatory approval. Posts online are distorting recent research from Yale University to falsely claim that governments have approved such products to mass vaccinate people without their consent in a plot involving Bill Gates.

Video: Hearst on Updated COVID-19 Vaccines

Video: Hearst on Updated COVID-19 Vaccines

Hearst Television, one of our media partners, produced this segment of “Get the Facts” partly based on our Q&A article on the updated COVID-19 vaccines.

Posts Push Unproven ‘Spike Protein Detoxification’ Regimen

Posts Push Unproven ‘Spike Protein Detoxification’ Regimen

Serious side effects after COVID-19 vaccination are rare, and there isn’t evidence people need to undergo a “spike protein detoxification” regimen after getting vaccinated, contrary to claims made online. Nor has such a regimen been shown to help people recover from long COVID, or long-term health problems after having COVID-19.

Flu Shots, MMR Vaccines Have Saved Millions of Lives, Contrary to Online Claim

Flu Shots, MMR Vaccines Have Saved Millions of Lives, Contrary to Online Claim

Flu shots and vaccines that protect children against measles, mumps and rubella have been effective in preventing illness, serious disease and death. But a meme has been circulating with the false suggestion that those vaccines are ineffective. Actually, they’ve saved millions of lives and have eliminated both measles and rubella in the U.S.

Q&A on the Updated COVID-19 Vaccines

Q&A on the Updated COVID-19 Vaccines

Updated COVID-19 vaccines are being rolled out in the U.S., aimed at targeting the latest, prevalent variants of the disease. Here we answer common questions about the latest vaccines.

Video Falsely Claims 850 People Died of Myocarditis in Mexico

Video Falsely Claims 850 People Died of Myocarditis in Mexico

Cases of myocarditis have been reported following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination, but they are rare and usually mild. Yet, a viral video distorts news reports to falsely claim 850 people died in Monterrey, Mexico, in June due to myocarditis. The figure comes from a false report of heat-related deaths.

Conservative Posts Misrepresent Royalty Payments to Fauci and Collins

Conservative Posts Misrepresent Royalty Payments to Fauci and Collins

Documents show that Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Francis Collins received 58 royalty payments from 2010 to 2021 for their research. Only three of the payments came in 2020 or 2021; the rest were made prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. But social media posts falsely claimed all the payments were “for allowing companies to use their COVID-19 vaccines.”

Viral Video Repeats Bogus Claim About Vaccines and Visible Ailments

Viral Video Repeats Bogus Claim About Vaccines and Visible Ailments

A video repeating the claim that COVID-19 vaccines are responsible for the sudden onset of various visible ailments — such as fainting and facial paralysis — is making the rounds, again. But, just like the other, similar posts we’ve addressed, there’s no support for this one, either.