In this video, we review several false and misleading claims that President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden made at the final presidential debate on Oct. 22.
Issues: coronavirus
FactChecking the Final 2020 Presidential Debate
Biden on the Stump
Doctors in Video Falsely Equate COVID-19 With a ‘Normal Flu Virus’
FactChecking Trump’s Immunity Claims
Trump’s False Claims About Biden Wealth, Recovery Wishes
FactChecking Trump’s Town Hall
Trump Distorts WHO’s Lockdown Comments
Atlas, Paul Mislead on Preexisting COVID-19 ‘Immunity’
Video Shows Arrest at a Protest, Not a Church Service
A tweet, shared by President Donald Trump, mischaracterizes a video that purports to show “Americans being ARRESTED for holding outdoor church services.” The video actually shows a demonstration in Idaho against a public health order regarding COVID-19 requirements held by a church in a city hall parking lot.