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Dueling Ads in the Kentucky Senate Race

Dueling Ads in the Kentucky Senate Race

The Kentucky Senate race — likely pitting Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell against Democratic challenger, and former Marine fighter pilot, Amy McGrath — is playing out on the airwaves. But the recent TV ads don’t always square with the facts.

Fauci Didn’t Invent, Won’t Profit from Remdesivir

Fauci Didn’t Invent, Won’t Profit from Remdesivir

A viral social media post falsely claims Dr. Anthony Fauci is “pushing” remdesivir as a potential COVID-19 treatment drug, because he “invented” it with Bill Gates and they stand to profit from it. Remdesivir was invented by the pharmaceutical company Gilead Sciences, which receives any profit from sales of the drug as a treatment for COVID-19.

Flu Shot Doesn’t Cause False Positive Results for COVID-19

Flu Shot Doesn’t Cause False Positive Results for COVID-19

A viral claim on Facebook erroneously tells users that “you will test positive” for COVID-19 if “you’ve gotten flu shots during the past ten years.” Vaccine and infectious disease experts told us that’s false, and the Food and Drug Administration says this hasn’t been observed in any authorized tests.

Biden Exaggerates CDC Cuts in China

Biden Exaggerates CDC Cuts in China

Former Vice President Joe Biden overstated the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s staffing cuts in China during the Trump administration. He said the CDC reduced its staff to four, but it was actually 14.

Outdated Fauci Video on Face Masks Shared Out of Context

Outdated Fauci Video on Face Masks Shared Out of Context

An outdated video clip of Dr. Anthony Fauci is circulating on social media — giving the false impression he is currently advising the public not to wear face masks. Fauci, like other health officials, recommends wearing a cloth face covering when distances of at least six feet can’t be maintained.

Trump Baselessly Claims Coronavirus Will ‘Go Away’ Without Vaccine

Trump Baselessly Claims Coronavirus Will ‘Go Away’ Without Vaccine

At a White House meeting with fellow Republicans, President Donald Trump said, without evidence, that the coronavirus “is going to go away without a vaccine.” While it’s impossible to predict the future, experts say it’s unlikely that the virus will simply go away.

False Perception of COVID-19’s Impact on the Homeless

False Perception of COVID-19’s Impact on the Homeless

Viral posts suggest that COVID-19 can’t be a serious disease if it hasn’t “wiped out the homeless.” But recent reports published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have found high rates of homeless residents testing positive for the novel coronavirus, known as SARS-CoV-2.

The RNC’s Misleading Message About the Bidens

The RNC’s Misleading Message About the Bidens

A voicemail message being left at the homes of voters in Pennsylvania and elsewhere by the Republican National Committee makes a number of misleading claims about presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and his son Hunter and Trump’s handling of the novel coronavirus outbreak.

Trump Spreads Distorted Claim on Wuhan Lab Funding

Trump Spreads Distorted Claim on Wuhan Lab Funding

The Wuhan Institute of Virology received $600,000 as part of a larger five-year U.S. government grant to a U.S.-based nonprofit studying emerging infectious diseases. But President Donald Trump put the figure at $7.5 million, saying he “ended it.”