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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Stay-at-Home Policies Treat Mosques Same as Churches

Stay-at-Home Policies Treat Mosques Same as Churches

A Facebook post claims that mosques have been allowed to remain open for services, while churches have not. But all places of worship are treated the same by state regulations that prohibit religious gatherings in order to slow the spread of COVID-19.

Video: Understanding COVID-19 Antibody Tests

Video: Understanding COVID-19 Antibody Tests

In this video, we take a look at COVID-19 antibody tests, which can reveal whether someone was previously infected with the novel coronavirus — and explain why a positive or negative result may not always be so easy to interpret.

Trump’s COVID-19 Testing Claim Is Way Off

Trump’s COVID-19 Testing Claim Is Way Off

The United States has not done more COVID-19 testing than “every country combined,” as President Donald Trump claimed in remarks during a recent press briefing.

Trump Misquotes Fauci on Coronavirus Threat

Trump Misquotes Fauci on Coronavirus Threat

Defending his early response to the coronavirus pandemic, President Donald Trump wrongly claimed that in late February, Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, was saying, “This is no problem. This is going to blow over.”

No Evidence That Flu Shot Increases Risk of COVID-19

No Evidence That Flu Shot Increases Risk of COVID-19

A claim being pushed on social media and by an organization skeptical of vaccines is using a military study to falsely suggest that the flu vaccine increases someone’s risk of contracting COVID-19.

Q&A on COVID-19 Antibody Tests

Q&A on COVID-19 Antibody Tests

We’ll run through how the tests work and why it’s so hard to interpret what the results might mean.

One Photo, Two Stories — But No Deceit by News Websites

One Photo, Two Stories — But No Deceit by News Websites

A viral post compares side-by-side screenshots from two news websites to falsely claim that using the same image of people at the beach during the COVID-19 pandemic is an example of media deception. The location of the scene in Jacksonville, Florida, is identified accurately in each news report.

Biden’s Misleading Ad About Sending Experts to China

Biden’s Misleading Ad About Sending Experts to China

A Biden campaign ad says President Trump failed to send U.S. health experts to China to investigate the novel coronavirus. But two U.S. officials were part of an international team admitted to China in mid-February.